Beautiful Blue
Two from today. This guy was so close to me, and so quiet, I almost missed him. He was hunting in the reeds along the edge of the water. The first pic could have been lightened up a bit.. but I'm just trying to figure out manual settings so any help/advice appreciated.
Taken with my Sigma 70-200... 1/500 f5.6 85mm

This shot was taken at 1/1250 f4.5 135mm.. I moved around him a bit.
Taken with my Sigma 70-200... 1/500 f5.6 85mm

This shot was taken at 1/1250 f4.5 135mm.. I moved around him a bit.

Thomas Fuller.
SmugMug account.
Website. NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Harry... I'm still a bit intimidated by the camera and have not attempted RAW. I will get there one of these days.
I had to be forced into trying RAW, felt intimidated by it, too. Correcting the white balance would be so easy in RAW. I am not as sure in photoshop, I know it can be done, but since I always use RAW now, I just don't know. I think it it too cyan. Maybe if you could use something to get the cyan out of the white, depending on what your photoshop can do.
Cool photos, very nice!!!
where were you?
You change the WB setting on the D50 by pressing the button on the back (its the one marked WB and has the ? and key icons on i) and turning the command dial. Thom Hogan sells excellent e-books on all of Nikon's DSLRs I always get his e-book whenever I get a new body.
Take your time to learn your camera. I started out shootimg jpegs when I started with a DSLR. As you get more comfortable with the camera you can start to spread your wings. RAW is no problem, just a few extra steps in your post processing but it gives you a lot more flexibility. NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Figured out why I couldn't get to the WB settings. I was looking at it with the camera setting on Automatic... you have to be in Manual "M" to change the WB settings. Doh!!!
Ginger, I was at Magnolia, down by the boat and river (not in the swamp area).