Israeli Tank Bolt
I went to Israel in 1987. I kind of swiped this bolt from inside an Israeli tank. (Not while it was still in use, it was just laying on the floor). This is one of my first attempts to work with a ring flash. I definately need to get some black felt or non-reflective cloth to put under what I am shooting in the future.
I'm no expert on tank bolts but I think it would stand out more if the background was a solid color.
But, I don't understand one thing: tanks? In Israel? ...
Nir Alon
images of my thoughts
Yup! I forget what type of tank they were...but I was definately in one.
The fun part of this was that our tour director was a bit of a mess up, and well, the military base we visited was the third tourist site we went to where they were not expecting us. Now they DO run tours there, but the fact that they were not expecting us made them a bit apprehensive. They gave us something of an abreviated tour.
I was wearing my Krav Maga shirt though, and got to joke around with some of the soldiers about it. I'd only had about 6 months worth of lessons here in the states, but it still gave me something to talk with them about.
not to be picky but i think you should change it to tank nut
Thats ok, right now my schedule is so messed up and I am so out of it that the Moon is the Sun, and the stars are all planets.