Slate Village- Serra do Açor

After a few green card problems on behalf of the wife, and an unexpected stay at the American Embassy in Paris, I have returned with photos of my homeland-in-law. these are some shots from the Serra do Açor, a mountain range in North Central Portugal (East of Coimbra and West of Castelo Branco).
The Villages are composed of stone houses often made of local materials- in this case slate. About half of the houses in the village are abandoned, and the valley wich runs above and below it is littered with abandoned stone cottages and the crumbling walls of agricultural terraces. Unfortunately, the center of the country is rapidly depopulating, and villages like this will likely be completely abandoned in the next 10-15 years. As this is a 2 hour drive from Coimbra through really treacherous passes with one car width roads, I doubt that tourism can save it. So go and see it whil you have the chance!

A nameless village on the path through the Serra to Piodao

Sunset in Piodao

A shot of the slate houses taken with my 300mm Orestegor from the other side of the Valley

In the village itself

Blue Door

My favorite shot

Slate Street
Not the typical Portuguese view. I will add more photos after I download them from my portable storage device, and catch up with crap from my real job.
The Villages are composed of stone houses often made of local materials- in this case slate. About half of the houses in the village are abandoned, and the valley wich runs above and below it is littered with abandoned stone cottages and the crumbling walls of agricultural terraces. Unfortunately, the center of the country is rapidly depopulating, and villages like this will likely be completely abandoned in the next 10-15 years. As this is a 2 hour drive from Coimbra through really treacherous passes with one car width roads, I doubt that tourism can save it. So go and see it whil you have the chance!

A nameless village on the path through the Serra to Piodao

Sunset in Piodao

A shot of the slate houses taken with my 300mm Orestegor from the other side of the Valley

In the village itself

Blue Door

My favorite shot

Slate Street
Not the typical Portuguese view. I will add more photos after I download them from my portable storage device, and catch up with crap from my real job.
Cave ab homine unius libri
A wide shot of the whole village
More Blue Doors
Church on the Main Square
Abandoned homesteads up the valley
The Obligatory "Rustic" shot of some abandoned homesteads and agricultural terracing. Notice the "authentic" Sepia tone!
Not many that are good. They aren't very accessible, and haze made telephoto shots a bit weak. Next tiem I will get there earlier for some better direct sunlight.