Mono Lake question

I plan to visit Mono Lake next week.
Does anybody know good locations for:
1) sunrise
2) sunset
3) camping or, alternatively, lodging
No 4WD, please, I have an "urban SUV".:):
Does anybody know good locations for:
1) sunrise
2) sunset
3) camping or, alternatively, lodging
No 4WD, please, I have an "urban SUV".:):
"May the f/stop be with you!"
Great! I'd like to make a trip there as well. Glad you asked the questions!
- Kevin
1) sunrise -
2) sunset -
Actually South Tufa is good for both Sunrise and sunset. The old marina area ( down the hill from the visitors center) might also be good for Sunrise
3) camping or, alternatively, lodging
Can't help you on camping, but there are a couple of nice motels around June lake, I have also stayed in Mammoth Lakes only about 30-40 minutes drive.
We plan on heading over there as soon as Tiago opens to do one of the photographers days in Bodie.
So, I guess, Tiago is still closed:-( What's the best way I get to Yosemite from Mono Lake then?
With Tioga closed, you can either go way North to Tahoe then through Sacramento and come in on 120 or go all the way south on 395 through Bakersfield then all the way back North and enter throgh 41.
Tioga should be open in a few weeks at most.
Hi Nik,
Big Bend Campground near Lee Vining has always looked nice but I haven't actually stayed there. Lee Vining creek runs along the campground but I don't know how much runoff there is right now. I have stayed in June Lake campground and the one in Mammoth which are both good spots for Mono Lake and the Eastern Sierras. If you search "Lee Vining campgrounds" you can see a couple of others. I almost forgot to mention that the June Lake and Mammoth campgrounds are practically in town so if you want isolation you might want to look at other sites.
The last I heard Tioga was scheduled to open June 20th. It is opening a little late this year and with Hwy 140 closed indefinitely (big rock slide completely over the road below El Portal) there is a lot of pressure to get Tioga open. Ed is correct, you either have to go up to Tahoe or around the southern end of the Sierras through Bakersfield to get into Yosemite with the pass closed.
A photographer and his money are soon parted.
I guess I'm SOL on Tioga :-(
Thank you very much for the detailed info!
find rooms in. One is the Best Western Lake View and the other, the
Yosemite Gateway Motel. I've stayed at the later and while it's nothing
to write home about, it is clean and a balcony with a beautiful view
of the lake awaits you.
Across the street is Bodie Mike's BBQ. But for a real treat, hit the deli
behind the Mobil station.
Sonora Pass 108 is open now.
Thanks for the tips!
I guess I'd have to go around...