Overnightprints.com does not want army overseas customers

photocatphotocat Registered Users Posts: 1,334 Major grins
edited August 16, 2006 in Mind Your Own Business
Right now, I am cooking... I am frustrated beyond belief...
I have tried for four days now to order 1000 business cards for 49 dollar.

We have an american post office on base, as we are connected to the overseas army Europe.

Overnightprints.com only ships UPS, and UPS does not want to ship to APO addresses...
When I ask overnight prints why they can't take another carrier, they stipulate that they have a contract with UPS, so therefore they can't send the 49 dollar business cards unless I go for their worldwide service, which will be 108 dollar plus customers taxes...

Overnight prints hastens to tell me that they do support armed forces overseas, as you can get free cards for the soldiers... Being based in Europe though leaves me blank, as I don't find a printer in USA so far who wants my business...

I know that a lot of people here are happy with overnightprints, I would proably be happy with them too, if only they would ship to me...

It feels as if having an APO address is the same as being doomed...
If anyone can recommend me a printer with a reasonable price who will touch armed forces europe, I would be most obliged!!!

I can not believe how hard it is to order 1000 cards... what am I saying, they still are not ordered because they only can give me the 150 dollar cost of shipping and customs... Do they really think that I am that daft to go for that????

Overnightprints.com is out of my dictionary for sure!!!


  • PezpixPezpix Registered Users Posts: 391 Major grins
    edited June 9, 2006
    Sorry to hear about that Photocat. My personal experience with Overnightprints.com was a positive one when ordering my cards, but in reading this thread here, it can be hit or miss for some people.

    Have you tried http://www.dcflyers.com as an alternative by chance? I know they get alot of positive feedback as well. Good luck in your search!
    Professional Ancient Smugmug Shutter Geek
    Master Of Sushi Noms
    Amateur CSS Dork
  • photocatphotocat Registered Users Posts: 1,334 Major grins
    edited June 9, 2006
    Have you tried http://www.dcflyers.com as an alternative by chance? I know they get alot of positive feedback as well. Good luck in your search![/QUOTE]

    I have mailed a question to dc flyers to see if they post APO...
    Wished I had found the other thread sooner...
  • GREAPERGREAPER Registered Users Posts: 3,113 Major grins
    edited June 9, 2006
    How bout this.

    Have them shipped to me, and I will ship them to your APO as lo9ng as you pay me the cost via Paypal after I ship them.

    If your interested, PM me.
  • marlinspikemarlinspike Registered Users Posts: 2,095 Major grins
    edited June 9, 2006
    Have you tried www.vistaprint.com? I got 500 of the things simply for the cost of shipping (in color, but on the back there is their little one line advertisement). They might ship to APO, though I don't know.
  • ian408ian408 Administrators Posts: 21,963 moderator
    edited June 9, 2006
    I will also offer to ship them to your APO address. PM if interested.
    Moderator Journeys/Sports/Big Picture :: Need some help with dgrin?
  • docwalkerdocwalker Registered Users Posts: 1,867 SmugMug Employee
    edited June 9, 2006

    I am willing to help as well. I work for a DOD contractor and we ship APO all the time. PM me and I will send you my AKO address.

    SmugMug Support Hero
  • photocatphotocat Registered Users Posts: 1,334 Major grins
    edited June 10, 2006
    Have you tried www.vistaprint.com? I got 500 of the things simply for the cost of shipping (in color, but on the back there is their little one line advertisement). They might ship to APO, though I don't know.

    O bugger... I did order with them, and found out after ordering that the500 I ordered was more then one pound (weight)... THEY DON'T SHIP AOP IF THE PACKAGE IS MORE THEN ONE POUND!!!!

    And I HAD NO CLUE ABOUT THE AD ON THE BACK... I will ask for a refund if there is ad on it...

    Thanks Marlinspike for the info!
  • photocatphotocat Registered Users Posts: 1,334 Major grins
    edited June 10, 2006
    docwalker wrote:

    I am willing to help as well. I work for a DOD contractor and we ship APO all the time. PM me and I will send you my AKO address.


    Thanks Greaper and Docwalker, I might just do that and take you up on your offer... It is no problem to paypal for the extra postage!
    I will contact you both off list! Thanks!!!!!
  • ReitzPhotoReitzPhoto Registered Users Posts: 9 Beginner grinner
    edited August 16, 2006
    hey photo cat. I've had nothing but problems with overnight prints. Here's my story, and if you ever want to order, I'm in CA (retired military brat) and am MORE than willing to ship you anything you need. I even have a business website so you know you can track me down if i dont' follow through. Laughing.gif!!

    the story:

    I am a part of a very small "parent pack" and this weekend they ned fillers for a bag they are giving out at a farmers market. It's not much for traffic and I doubt many of the peopel there are in my target market (more older people) but i didn't want to miss out on the opportunity to atleast get my name out there. I threw together and VERY simple design and sent it to ONP for printing Last week.

    Here's the design:

    I was pleased with it and, like i said, i just wanted something simple.

    I submitted my order early last week and then got word that it would be shipped and delivered on monday. Monday comes and they get here, I'm all excited to open them. I look at the one taped to the front and am VERY pleased with how they look.
    I open the box and am shocked at the many variations of BAD these cards look.

    Here's a quick scan of just FOUR of the different variations in the ONE box:

    So needless to say, I email them monday around 2pm. No word come tuesday morning. I resend the email at 8am (with a note attached saying that I *NEED* these for this weekend and I'll continue to resend this email until i get word back that they are being reprinted). NO word by 2pm and I couldn't call before then b/c my son was being a terror. so when my hubby gets home, I call. I'm on home for 30 minutes. A pita, but i wasn't shocked.
    I talk to Robert. Robert is nice enough, explains that sometimes black and white images are difficult to match. I said 'that i can understand, but these are RED. like RED RED." he doesn't seem to believe me. I explain how out of 100 cards only about 6 or 7 are correct and the rest are so bad i'd NEVER give them out with my business name on them (can ya blame me?). Robert seems very nice and proceeds to explain that it could be whats called a "powder bomb" if it's in the same spot. I explain that it isn't in the same spot... on ANY card. no two are alike. it's unlike anything i've ever seen. again, he acts like i'm a raving lunatic. he says he'll put them in for printing today and they will ship within 3-4 days. (mind you, I made a point to say ' i really need these for this weekend' about 16 times at this point).
    I've been VERY calm up until now which really isn't typical of Me.
    Finally i get frustrated.
    I say "Now, here's the problem with that. I've told you time and again that i need them by saturday. Had you guys printed them correctly the first time or Even CAUGHT the error before shipping, I would have had them in time, so how are we going to rectify this situation?" (not too much to ask, i dont' think)
    He says "well, you migth have them by saturday". I said "might isn't good enough. I run a business. I NEED them for saturday. How are you going to make this happen?"
    In a long run of events he offers me 3 days epxress which "may get them here by saturday or maybe monday".
    I'm displeased. I let him know that.
    I say "you know, if you can't even get me my merchandise here in a timely manner, then lets jst cancel my order." he says "we can do that. it's up to you"
    ooooooh, no.
    I say "no, actually, it isn't up to me. It's up to you. I'm a customer of yours who orders business cards through you for THREE businesses (a local mothers group that i run, my photography business, and a side photo jewelry business) and you aren't even willing to cough up the express shipping to get my order to me on time in order to save a relationship with a customer? See, THAT'S when i start to think it's up to YOU since you're CHOOSING to not help me out here"
    he says "lets go ahead and cancel your order"
    oooh, okay. that's a FABULOUS way to keep a customer. GR.
    I say "okay, that sounds great. I'll just take my business elsewhere."
    I'm livid, but very calm and matter of fact. My husband was scared. I could see it in his eyes
    He hacks away on his computer for 4 minute then says "you know, let me see what i can do here".
    Good thinkin' buddy.
    He puts me on hold for 13 more minutes (I'm watching the counter on my cellphone so if i need to I can complain about how long i've been on the phone to resolve this, Laughing.gif) then comes back and says "we will print them in california and ship them out ground and they will be there by saturday."
    I say "and if they dont' get here by saturday, should i just 'return to sender' then?"
    he says "you could do that"

    will they probably be here by saturday? yeah, probably
    was i pleased wtih the way it was handled? absolutely not.
    COULD they have gone above and beyond and shipped them out next day air just to easy my mind and keep a customer? Most certainly.

    So basically, I had crappy service. I hope you don't and I'll now be going elsewhere with my printing needs.
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