Appleby Horse fair...

I came back from the Appleby Horse Fair this afternoon. The travellers from all over England gather in this little town in the Lake District. Lots to see, colorful people, horses, children with golden ear rings... The weather was good so I had a blast.
Which one of the pics gets the thumbs up? I need to choose for a contest...
Thanks for looking!
They are washing the horses in the river, I watched them for five hours without being bored for one second. This village has 300 people when the travellers are gone, it is a sleepy place that comes alive for fourteen days in the year!
They all wash the horses with their cloths on, nobody takes off shoes or whatever they are wearing. I will probably put up a gallery with more shots.
Thanks for the comments
I agree with Saurora, having just spent half an hour trying to catch a one eyed pony, I know that look
It is for the base contest Stan, nothing to do with Patches indeed. The theme has to be England related, it is amed at americans living in UK. So we need to apply the "brige between UK and USA" in the contest, also linked to the four seasons. The gypsies in Appleby are my summer or will be my summer entry. Now to find winter, spring and autumn...
Thanks for the comment!
I thought that If I managed to get close enough to get a patch on...
Good luck with the comp, your blog's shot of the bikers being back (Garfield ears and tail) would also suit Summer. Hope to see more of your ponies at the horse fair.