At Newport Beach with a Point and Shoot...

Took my son to row-boating with the cub scouts this morning and decided to bring along my wife's Kodak point and shoot digi-cam. I was curious how much I could get out of this 5-MP camera. Here are three representative shots. Aside from lack of RAW (what a difference it makes!) and poor JPEG compression I think it's not too bad. Comments welcomed.


Yeah! For the cool pictures of Balboa Island!
I was in Newport yesterday as well Erich6, and capturing depth and color can be a real challenge during these gloomy days, especially if that gloom never burns off all day.
Personally, I love your third shot as it really captures the water texture well as well as grabbing some good action. One of my big gripes with digicams has always been capturing depth of field with complex water shots but your shot really has some good texture to that water. Thanks for sharing and keep in mind, we're only 2 weeks from the end of June Gloom here
Master Of Sushi Noms
Amateur CSS Dork
Nice shots, Erich. I find the good P&S cameras do a bang-up job for a lot of what needs to be captured. Now if they could just make them so you could have a shallower DOF, I'd be sold!!!!
This coming weekend is supposed to be sunny so all kinds of different opportunities. Actually, had a chance to spend a couple of hours at Bolsa Chica yesterday afternoon and the weather was terrific.