card reader/usb problem-

cannot get my card reader to work (also external hard drive)-
keep getting a incomplete/damaged registry code 19 report through the device manager-
any ideas anybody?-
keep getting a incomplete/damaged registry code 19 report through the device manager-
any ideas anybody?-
Try removing the device in the device manager. Then physically remove the
hardware, reboot and then add the reader again. Does that make sense?
more than once-
tried another pc and could not get it to work-
could something have corrupted the card reader-
but it says registry error-
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Have you added or changed any program settings since the reader stopped
working? If not, you might want to try and restore an older copy of the
registry. This assumes you've made a copy of it recently.
In the past, I've used a tool called RegScrubXP to clean up the registry but
that's not for the faint of heart (if you choose this route, be sure to make a
couple of copies of the registry first).
thanks, sid-
tried a registry fix that didn't work but will look at your's, ian-
re regscrubxp-
I'm too freakin' tired tonight and I just took a pk pill-
will give that a shot in the morrow-
ian, ya gonna help me some if I ask?-
at your convenience, of course-
my dang (substitute mn for ng) laptop crashed tonight, too-