C&C Requested

Sometimes I end up with images I like, but everyone else seems to kinda, nod, look at me funny, mumble, and beat feet. Your at you little computers safe and sound, so ya don't need to mumble or anything, just give me your opinion.
Nice B&W -- I'd like to see more of the tree and the sky is all.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
If you have the opportunity to reshoot, I think DavidS' comment about showing more of the landscape is very good. Show more of the desert in the foreground, less sky will achieve a very nice effect. As an alternative, if you have good clouds (like you did in this photo) less land, more sky will also work well.
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I really like the tree and the texture of the rocks, smoothed by the wind.
I would agree, maybe crop the bottom 1/4 off to get the horizon away from the middle and more in line with the rule of 1/3s but if a reshoot was on the cards would like to see the view beyond the rock i.e. the desert/whatever beyond, from a slightly higher POV with the focal point still on the tree trunk.
Outdoor and Sports Media
I don't like the soft focus on the foreground of the second shot. The first one with the suggested crops should look great.
The only thing I would try to do is drop the highlights a bit on the first shot. The bright spots off the rocks are just a bit too much for me....