I wanna ride!!
One of my daughters, Ashlynn, finally decided to take to two wheels. She turned 5 in April, but didn't want to try the two wheel thing. I tried with her, but she said no.
Finally, yesterday, she hopped on a friends bike, and took off, all by herself. She yelled "I did it!" Then demanded I take the training wheels off of her bike. Of course I grabbed the camera and snapped away as she took off!:clap
Now her twin sister is a little miffed...she usually does stuff first..LOL!:rofl
Finally, yesterday, she hopped on a friends bike, and took off, all by herself. She yelled "I did it!" Then demanded I take the training wheels off of her bike. Of course I grabbed the camera and snapped away as she took off!:clap
Now her twin sister is a little miffed...she usually does stuff first..LOL!:rofl
Always lurking, sometimes participating.
Thanks guys! Turns out one day of sis showing her up, was enough for Mallory!
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This is one of those PPM's I will never forget!:D
(PPM=Proud Parenting Moment)
And yes, they are twins, and no not all twins are identical!
A proud moment! You were Johnny on the spot getting that picture of her newfound freedom as it happened. Not many would be ready for that with their camera nearby.
When customers ask me "How do I teach my kid to get up on two wheels?" I only have one response... "that will take care of itself - peer pressure." (I'm in the cycling business)
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Now you have a battle on your hands! You need to think about convincing your ladies to start wearing a bicycle helmet. Take it from one who knows, these are worth 10x their weight in gold, the first time someone takes a nosedive to the pavement.
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Thanks for the nice comments everyone, and the family album is exactly where the photos are now.:D