Need advice please
So I have decided that I need to practice my portrait portfolio and I need some actual people for subjects. I just moved from new england to Kentucky and know basically nobody thus far. How do you find people for this? Are there any boards that someone can recommend i post on? Also....does anyone know on how I go about breaking into the little league photography business....I feel kind of wierd going down there taking pix because well they are little kids and I think I would wonder why there is a strange face taking pix of my kid. Any advice?
If you are interested in doing action shots speak with the coach about it. The coach can explain who you are to the parents and then you can hand out business cards. I finally started putting prints in a portfolio that I carry in my bag. That way you can show your work off if questioned. I also keep a stack of business cards in my bag. I would hand them out to anyone that approaches you. I have found that having them ready helps diffuse some people. Instead of having to answer when someone says "who are you?" or "are you with the paper?" giving them a card can help.
As for the rest of the portrait business I cannot give advice on that part.