Computer Nostalgia (with period "model")
I took this for the challenge a month ago, but wasn't that happy with it. It's missing something (like an old blueprint on the cube wall), but I still kind of like it. I tried to give a feel of someone working in the early 80s.

That is an old TRS-80 portable computer with printer and acoustic coupler modem from 1983. It still works and runs BASIC nicely. The desk may very well be from that era, too. I thought my co-worker with the nice 'burns really made the shot.
Any suggestions as to how I could have improved this are welcome!

That is an old TRS-80 portable computer with printer and acoustic coupler modem from 1983. It still works and runs BASIC nicely. The desk may very well be from that era, too. I thought my co-worker with the nice 'burns really made the shot.
Any suggestions as to how I could have improved this are welcome!
check out my (sports) pics:
*Thanks to Boolsacho for the avatar photo (from the dgrin portrait project)
I guess the nostalgia work on me.:D
Oops! I guess it was a TRS-80(should have read the entire post!) Must be a few years older than my tandy.
Yep, he's still got 'em... What do you expect from a wanna-be astronomer?
Here's a closeup:
Ahh, yeah... Mountain Dew and some candy bars, that would have been good. Or maybe some coffee. I don't think Jolt existed in the early 80's though.
That would have given it a more "hacker" feel than a business worker. Good suggestion!
2- white short-sleeve dress shirt-
3- clip-on tie-
4- pocket protector-
5- rotary phone?-
6- picture of carter or reagan as president?-
ps if you are wearing any of the above- no offense intended-
None taken.
Great suggestions here, George... you seem to *really* know what you're talking about.
I did look for a rotary phone, but couldn't find one...
I did not know his sister but ended up marrying her in the mid-seventies--then I found out my brother-in-law was 'booger'!!-
no, not really
I liked the picture..
CornerKetch Studios
Special Olympics Delaware
Thanks, cornerketch. But all the iPod does is play music and video! You could never play Zork on it!
Ahhh ... "What's big as a house and round as a cup and all the King's horses can't pull it up?"
programmed a check disbursement program on it in basic-
spent all night typing in code for a wp from the back of a magazine, was blind by the next morning, and the freakin' thing didn't work one bit (or 64, for that matter)-
my wife and a friend of hers spent all day one day playing zork II-
floppy drive always got overheated-
what a piece of junk!-
I was in heaven!-
The desk looks like one I bought at an Air Force salvage store in the mid-eighties.
Rotary phones were 70s and earlier.
well, little missy, when you get to my age, it all tends to run together-
do you remember the princess phones?-
These days I use my Skype phone and my Vonage account rings my cell phone the same time my main phone rings. So I can answer just about anywhere.
I also remember 300 baud modems and my Atari 800.
Right. I have most of the tech-toys too, but I got more calls in the rotary dial days. :cry
Sure, but if you were nerdy enough you just clipped it to your belt. No problem.
I was cule with the slide rule-
Actually, I didn't mind the slide rule nearly as much as those boxes of 2000 punch cards. Man, those were heavy after a while.
I think karzas might have the phone you're looking for--want me to call him
for you
"Sometimes I do get to places just when God's ready to have somebody click the shutter."
Ansel Adams