Keywords do not include foreign characters

There was a thread about this quite a few months ago, but I have not been able to find it, so here we go again:
Accented characters are still being dropped from keywords. So España, which displays correctly here, ends up as Espaa as a keyword. This makes it less likely that a Spaniard will find my stuff if he searches Google using España as a keyword. Google handles foreign characters just fine.
Last I recall, Smugmug was "aware of the problem." I was wondering if there is any plan to fix it. Is there a work-around that I missed? I'm sure many non-English speaking customers would be glad to see this resolved.
Accented characters are still being dropped from keywords. So España, which displays correctly here, ends up as Espaa as a keyword. This makes it less likely that a Spaniard will find my stuff if he searches Google using España as a keyword. Google handles foreign characters just fine.
Last I recall, Smugmug was "aware of the problem." I was wondering if there is any plan to fix it. Is there a work-around that I missed? I'm sure many non-English speaking customers would be glad to see this resolved.
Edit: The 3rd result when searching for españa is the following site:
"CIA - The World Factbook -- Spain [SIZE=-1]local short form: Espana. Government type:. Definition · Field Listing parliamentary monarchy. Capital:. Definition · Field Listing ..."[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-1]As you can see the CIA didn't care for the ñ and still gets that high in the ranking!
SmugMug Support Hero
:deadhorse ? I hope not.
Edit: Just to give you an example of the mischief that can ensue here, in Spanish, the greeting "Happy New Year" is translated "Feliz Año Nuevo." If I follow your advice and use n instead of ñ I get "Feliz Ano Nuevo," which in Spanish means, "Happy New Anus." Not good.
Happy New Year,
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Why not just use UTF-8? I've written about this before, but really, it is an abstacle for using SmugMug, so continue using PicasaWeb as well for public galleries....
Here's another voice asking (begging) for this! I would like to use Japanese terms in my keywords - both in Kanji and in "Romaji". In Romaji there are ways around having to use just the standard English characters, but without Unicode/UTF8 there's no way to do Kanji.
I can use anything I want in the caption it appears, but not in the keywords.
I guess no Chinese or Japanese people are using smugmug?
Thanks - Janet
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Aaahhh, I see. yes, that is a harder problem isn't it. I will practice patience...:cry
I am currently in my 14-day trial period, and the inablility to support norwegian characters such as æ, ø and å, as well as some icelandic special characters in keywords has made it less likely that I will sign up.
I wish to add keywords for names of places/locations, and without these special characters that will not be possible.
From reading this thread I understand the technical challenges, but I still want to emphasize the importance of this if you want to compete in the international market and not just the US/UK, especially since some of your competitors does not have this disadvantage.
And by the way, there seems to a small glitch in the keyword editing interface if such characters are used. If a keyword with for example an "ø" is added, it will seemingly be stripped from the word. But if I come back to the same photo later to edit the keywords, the keywords edit dialog will loose the "ø" and anything that comes after, including all later keywords.
smugmug galleries:
This is really a major problem for me as well. I have used smugmug for a couple of years and I think it is really great. However, the lack of support for unicode characters makes me use it a lot less than I would have with this support included.