A Few Yosemite Shots from past visits

I just returned from Yosemite last Friday, but have not processed any of those shots yet.. But seeing I sense a theme this week of Yosemite shots. I thought I would post a few from last year....

Eric the Desert Rat :scratch
Los Angeles, CA :yikes
You can check out my ongoing website at the following http://www.pbase.com/desertrat99
Photography isn't about the Zone System or any other Ansel Adams nonsense.
It's simply about seeing. You either see or you don't see, the rest is
~ Elliot Erwitt ~
Los Angeles, CA :yikes
You can check out my ongoing website at the following http://www.pbase.com/desertrat99
Photography isn't about the Zone System or any other Ansel Adams nonsense.
It's simply about seeing. You either see or you don't see, the rest is
~ Elliot Erwitt ~
I Live at http://www.alaskamountainforum.com
My Gallery
Great work!
- Kevin
I wish someone would cut down that tree though! :uhoh
Images in the Backcountry
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Los Angeles, CA :yikes
You can check out my ongoing website at the following http://www.pbase.com/desertrat99
Photography isn't about the Zone System or any other Ansel Adams nonsense.
It's simply about seeing. You either see or you don't see, the rest is
~ Elliot Erwitt ~