Shooting Sports at Night...
I've recently gotten stuck with shooting soccer games at night for a local semi-pro team and I am really struggling. I've read all the posts that have anything to do with night sports but I think I still need some help. I'm using a 20D w/ the 100-400L and a 580EX Flash. Here's what I've gathered -
As the lighting goes from day to night, I'm quickly going from ISO200 to ISO1600. Eventually, I run out of light and at ISO1600, I'm lucky to get 1/100th at 5.6. So, I read some posts and found several suggestions for the following steps -
- Keep ISO somewhere around 400-800.
- Switch exposure to manual at ~1/250th and lowest f-stop.
- Set flash for auto and adjust EC as needed.
So, I gave this a try last night and actually got some results. But I did have some problems/issues -
- It was frustrating to have a lens that could cover 75% of the field but my flash would only reach ~40-50ft. Is it possible to increase the range of the flash?
- I had no continues firing of the flash. One shot was all I could get with the flash. I know it's capable of doing multiple shots but I'm not sure how. Can someone fill me in? Is the output too high resulting in longer recharges? This was on a new set of batteries.
Any comments, suggestions, and tips would be greatly appreciated!:thumb
Also, I'll just say this ahead of time - Yes. I know I need a 70-200L 2.8 but until I have another fortune to can do.:D
Thank you all - sorry so long!
As the lighting goes from day to night, I'm quickly going from ISO200 to ISO1600. Eventually, I run out of light and at ISO1600, I'm lucky to get 1/100th at 5.6. So, I read some posts and found several suggestions for the following steps -
- Keep ISO somewhere around 400-800.
- Switch exposure to manual at ~1/250th and lowest f-stop.
- Set flash for auto and adjust EC as needed.
So, I gave this a try last night and actually got some results. But I did have some problems/issues -
- It was frustrating to have a lens that could cover 75% of the field but my flash would only reach ~40-50ft. Is it possible to increase the range of the flash?
- I had no continues firing of the flash. One shot was all I could get with the flash. I know it's capable of doing multiple shots but I'm not sure how. Can someone fill me in? Is the output too high resulting in longer recharges? This was on a new set of batteries.
Any comments, suggestions, and tips would be greatly appreciated!:thumb
Also, I'll just say this ahead of time - Yes. I know I need a 70-200L 2.8 but until I have another fortune to can do.:D
Thank you all - sorry so long!
Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein :bash
- Kevin
- Kevin
A 70-200 zoom is mostly useless in field sports because you almost are always zoomed out. A 200/2.8 is much less expensive route to go over the 70-200/2.8 and is a spectacular lens. A 300/2.8 lens is probably the lens of choice, however. Remember, f/2.8 lets in FOUR TIMES as much light as f/5.6. That's four times the shutter speed.
A former sports shooter
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Mercphoto - Thanks for the info. I never even considered a prime lens because of the cost but the 200/2.8 is a great price. I can't believe the difference in price between the 200 & the 300! OUCH!
FYI - I tried ISO1600 but as mentioned before, I was lucky to get 1/100th.
Thanks again!
- Kevin
- Kevin
The iso 3200 is available under the custom functions, I had to search a bit to find it. It's listed as ISO expansion, custom function 8.
One more.
I think the 200 2.8 prime is probably your best bet for the $$.
A former sports shooter
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I completely forgot about ISO3200! Thank you for mentioning that!
Thanks again!
- Kevin
There is no substitute for faster glass - I'm amazed you were able to shoot @f5.6. I struggle with a 200/f1.8 under our lighting conditions (without flash).
Have you seen the Better Beamer Flash Extender? I haven't used or seen one but it claims to increase your range and light output by 2 stops.
"Tis better keep your mouth shut and be thought of as an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"
Actually, I wasn't able to shoot at 5.6!:D I was forced to use the flash and my range went for 75% of the field to maybe 20%.
I'm not happy with using a flash, since my frame rate goes to ONE and the coverage stinks! :cry So, faster glass would be my answer. The Extender is pretty cheap though - if I keep doing night sports I might have to get it until I can afford another lens.
Next weekend I'll try ISO3200 and see how it goes.
Thanks Bodley for the link!
- Kevin