No prize for the challenge winners

I have PMd Baldy several times. I sent him my choice of prize, my address, everything. Did not even get a "one word" acknowledgment of receipt of my message. Ginger tells me she never got a prize either. If there is to be no prize, don't advertise that there is. I certainly don't enter for the prize, but I'd like to order the item as a Christmas gift, so I need to know whether I'm getting it or not. I'm ordering other gifts now.
Hate to have to "go public" with this, but I'd like to know if anyone has actually received a prize. :dunno
Hate to have to "go public" with this, but I'd like to know if anyone has actually received a prize. :dunno
"A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds." - Francis Bacon
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
snappy, i've done all i could for you. i've been in touch with baldy on the issue, more each and every time that you've pm'd me on this. please, hang in there, i'm sure that this will get sorted out, no need to get upset. one thing, smugmug has, and always will, deliver on "the goods."
i'm sorry that you are doubting the veracity of the program. i assure you that your prize request will be fulfilled. many folks have received the prize - but in fact they have donated the prize, whereby baldy can fulfil a print order for a charity or provide a non-profit group a smugmug account for free.
sorry that it's been trouble for you and for ginger. i assure you that the prizes are being honored. smugmug has been busy - though no excuse will make you feel better, i'm sure.
have you sent baldy the url of the print item you want, as i said in my pm to you?
i'm certain that you and ginger, will hear from baldy or toni on this issue straight away.
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What I did wrong was not admit that I could not use a slightly larger size due to a bit of poverty. Instead, I was polite and said thank you. That was my error.
The next day I PMd Baldy, told him that I had not been truthful, I could not use a size larger than a 16 X 20. I did not know what would happen. When my balance of money from "sales" went up a bit, I suspected that I had been "paid" that way. That is fine with me, I will not have a picture now as I will put the money into paying for my pro acct when the time comes. But it is fair.
What was not right, but was apologized for, was the amt of time it took for anything to be done. Andy, I think, acted promptly, but BAldy was busy.
Then there was a long gap between communications and action.........a long time, IMHO. That was confusing for me, I did not want to push.
Also, I do think I should have been consulted when the size was changed. I said I wanted a 16 X 20, that was the info that Andy passed on, as I understood it. Then I created a gallery especially for this project. In that, a password acct, I put the winning photo, an unframed version of the winning photo and the original. I PMd the password to Baldy at least, perhaps to both, I don't know, with the info of what was in that gallery, etc.
So, the time lag was a problem on Smugmug's side. Not consulting me on a size change in the ordered photo was also a Smugmug problem, as I saw it.
My apparent approval of the change: I own that mistake.
I am glad to see an increase in the amt of money in my acct. Paying for a pro acct is a major thing for me, but I am determined to do it. So win some, lose some. However, Smugmug/dgrin did come through for me, but we all have some things to learn by my experience and by Snappy's.
No worries about going public. It's what the forum is for.
I really apologize for the snafus wrt challenge awards. The main issue is simple, which is that unlike email sent to help at smugmug, I don't read PMs. I'm usually pretty quick on email or forum posts but PMs have no spam filtering, searching, or ability to quickly answer the "I didn't like his tone in that post to me" messages.
Right now I have them turned off so you should get a message that I don't get them, but it also means I can't see my own PMs.
The second issue is it would be nice if we could simplify the awards (whine, sniff, my life is so hard). The thought of giving free smugmug accounts to charities is so very noble and we love it, but it turns out to be quite a bit of work if I have to track down whoever's in charge of the charity, explain what smugmug is, and that I'm not a salesman sending spam, etc.
Free prints are also great for those who want them. I don't want to discourage the idea but they turn out to be more time consuming than I realized they would be, especially when it gets to back and forth over cropping.
We don't offer a no-crop option that leaves white borders anymore because it created so much confusion in the customers mind. We have code ready to go to offer it, but have held back on going live until we hear some requests for it (a few months have gone by with only one). So if there's cropping back-and-forth I end up ordering the prints through EZ Prints interface which gives us accounting issues and blah blah blah.
Bottom line, I'll get snapapple's prints off today thru EZ Prints and let's put our heads together about simplifying/making this go through smugmug's help, etc.
I think it's grand of Baldy to honor his commitment to making a prize possible: I'd quite understand if he said it was unmanageable.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
B&H or something similar? I'm also a big fan of the iTMS. That would be a quick easy prize.
Dave (gallery)
Thanks Andy and Baldy for the quick response. Guess I should have posted here to begin with - who knew?
I do believe I have given all the pertinant data re the print I would like. I did request a print of an odd sized file. It would leave a white border on one of the standard sizes. I understand how that would work, but didn't know it would be a problem. No cropping is required. Just go to the bigger size as I stated. I never knew you were not reading your PMs. So if you didn't get the details, please send me an email or PM. Since you said you were ordering today or tomorrow, I guess you got it.
A gift certificate to EZ Prints would work. Or Shutterfly, or Lulu. Hehehe.
I had a feeling the charity thing would be difficult. I've been there, done that. I really could use the print for a Christmas gift. I'm not too flush with cash this year. So, I hope it's not too difficult. I think the most important thing is to give the winners a definite person and address to contact for their prize, be it Smugmug Help or E-mail address or whatever.
Thanks again for the response.
Susan Appel Photography My Blog
Same here. I won challenge #14 and never heard back.
Once you decide on the new prize format, let me know & i'll pick from the new list. It doesn't sound like the current list is working at all for you. Until then I'll take a rain check.
Dave (gallery)
if you have *not* received your prize, send me a pm.
shortly we'll be moving to a gift certificate program, you'll all be very excited about this.
more to come, i promise. and so, hang in there, you'll have a little photographic spending cash at a very cool place if you can just be patient with us a little while longer.
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Thanks for reminding me--can you donate mine from Challenge 16, I think it was?
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see this post
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done! will be making a donation in your name, lynne. thanks so much!
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are the folks who we have to make good on. you guys will each be getting a $25 gift cert for tallyn's.
last chance for anyone who didn't get their prize to let me know. (if you asked for us to donate it, we've taken care of that).
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Awesome. I've got plenty on my shopping list
Do we need to give you our address so they can ship the gift cert or is this done online?
Dave (gallery)
still workin out the details. you'll be dealing direct with them, by phone.
give it another two weeks please, mrs. baldy (toni) is with baldy on a love-trip to mexico
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Smile, ginger
This is posted in two places, I expressed my excitement in both of them.
Has there been any updates?
Dave (gallery)
the vendor is quite busy during holiday time now. i'm trying to get a special arrangement which could benefit everyone.
appreciate your patience here.
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the prizes are in. to receive your gift certificate you must email me at the email i sent you via pm.
i have sent pms to:
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i've heard from a few of you.
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still have yet to email me (respond to the addy in your pm box please).
ps: i'm worried about mike taylor - they guy is in definite hotspot and no word in weeks.
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He was back flying blackhawks, as far as I know, not that his area is as hot as some, but who knows where he was going. I think he does "deliveries".
As far as I am concerned, as his friend, his mind has been somewhere else since about the time he won that challenge. I watch to see if a blackhawk has gone down, and other than that just hope he is safe.
So, I would just put him down as "responded: on hold". Kind of a special case here. The rest....... well, if they go to Iraq.........other than that, I hope they respond. Smile.
yeah but i worry where he stops for lunch
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Please note: Buyers outside the U.S. cannot purchase the following types of items via Amazon Marketplace: video games, toy and baby items, electronics, cameras and photo items, tools and hardware, kitchenware and housewares, sporting goods and outdoor equipment, software, and computers
Um...whats left amazon ???????????????
Andy can i use mine as the 'Humungus encouragement award' & donate it to someone whom can use it ???
send me a pm with the item you want, email the gc back to me, and i'll handle your purchase for you. you can even spend more than the gc, and i'll cover the rest, and we'll figure out how we can hack your bank account to get the additional bucks. may need nikolai or david_s85 to help me out on that
seriously - had no idea - so do as i ask and i'll make it right on you, don't you worry your humungus-oid self about it one tiny little bit.
note to self: next challenge that 'gus wins, i'm paying him off in vegemite that's two-years past expiration date .... wait a minute, that's *any* vegemite, isn't it?
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Mate i eat vegemite out of the bottle with a dessert spoon.. one mouthfull & you'll bench a truck engine. Scares the crap out of me thinking of life without it.
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