Shots from Soccer this weekend...
Got to shoot the Brigade Premier Invitational Championship and the Bakersfield Brigade vs. US National U17 game. Time on the field went from full sun to night under the lights - talk about difficult! Here are some of my favorites! Feel free to C&C - Thanks!

All the images can be found here:
Thanks for viewing!:D

All the images can be found here:
Thanks for viewing!:D
Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein :bash
- Kevin
- Kevin
- Kevin
I would try to make in camera adjustments to make the images brighter. You should be able to boost the EV value in camera to eliminate the dark shadows and help keep the faces clearer and brighter.
On my Nikons I usually set the EV compensation anywhere from 0.7 to 2.0 depending on the sun in an effort to keep the images bright without blowing out the highlights, that way you can still add enough saturation to make them pop.
I have lots of football and soccer on my smugmug site that were all shot with boosted EV compensation if you want to see what I am talking about.
Hope this helps a little.
Joe - Thanks for the comment and the tip!
Awesome stuff in your gallery!
- Kevin
Thanks xtnomad!
There's a huge gymnasium on the west side of the field that the sun sets behind, casting a HUGE shadow on the field! I get about 20 minutes with 1/2 of the field in the sun!
- Kevin
Very nice action from what looks like some intense play.
check out my (sports) pics:
*Thanks to Boolsacho for the avatar photo (from the dgrin portrait project)
HAHA! Believe it or not, HE DIDN'T CALL IT! You should have seen the coach! :pissed :splat
The team in the white is actually the US National U17 team. They were having a "friendly" scrimmage with our USL PDL team. I'm glad to see that FIFA is cracking down because these kids are just as rough as the pros!
I actually got a series of the foul - I would post them but they're all protected and I don't really want to copy them to a new gallery.
Here's the page:
- Kevin