Email photo processing and category rearranging

I just tested the email photo option.
Two problems.
1) SM automatically created a new gallery called Email under my Other category. Ok that is supposed to happen.
BUG: This new "Email" gallery was moved into the first position in the Other category with only text instead of an image.
BUG: Next the system moved the Other category into the second position on my home page. Why does the system insist on moving my categories around when I add a new gallery to one of them? Is there a way to stop this behavior?
2) I submitted very small images (around 40k each).
The Exif information is working and the captions uploaded correctly but...
Problem: They are still showing processing images.
Is there some trick to submitting via email that I may have missed?:scratch
Two problems.
1) SM automatically created a new gallery called Email under my Other category. Ok that is supposed to happen.
BUG: This new "Email" gallery was moved into the first position in the Other category with only text instead of an image.
BUG: Next the system moved the Other category into the second position on my home page. Why does the system insist on moving my categories around when I add a new gallery to one of them? Is there a way to stop this behavior?
2) I submitted very small images (around 40k each).
The Exif information is working and the captions uploaded correctly but...
Problem: They are still showing processing images.
Is there some trick to submitting via email that I may have missed?:scratch
-- Mike
smugmug nickname: mpmcleod
smugmug nickname: mpmcleod
#2 solved ...
smugmug nickname: mpmcleod
How do you have your galleries and cateogories set to be arranged?
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Photos within most galleries are set to be arranged by date.
(Gallery sorting seems to be working fine)
Home page is set to display categories by position.
I don't have any settings on my categories. I didn't know we had a choice for categories and sub-categories. I arrange them by postion. When I add a new gallery I have to reposition the galleries. But for some categories the new gallery will be placed at the bottom and for other categories it is added at the top.
Is there a way to auto-sort galleries within a category?
(like the photos within a gallery)
Could you point me to those settings?
smugmug nickname: mpmcleod
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No worries. I fixed the problem for now but would like to know how to keep it from happening again.
smugmug nickname: mpmcleod
bump. Any thoughts?
smugmug nickname: mpmcleod
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter
I can't seem to reproduce the error manually using the create gallery links on the top of the pages. Perhaps this is something to pass along to JT and see if the sorting bug has been fixed in the "create email gallery" code.
Since I have the Email gallery in place I can't really test this.
You asked: I replied:
From your question I was guessing there is a way to arrange categories much the same way we can arrange photos within a gallery. Is this correct? I had understood that all we could do with categories is manually arrange them (as per my example below)
I have a category PhotosByDate (where all our photos are), subcategories YYYYphotos, galleries YYYY-MM-DD.
I create a gallery 2003-05-06 in the category "PhotosByDate" and subcategory "2003photos"
In order for it to appear in the proper position I then arrange the galleries by Title (the reason for my name format).
After doing this I would then view "PhotosByDate" category and have to manually arrange the years to be in the proper order as they would have been moved.
With a gallery we can set it to autoarrange by name or by date. Can we do a similar thing with categories?
smugmug nickname: mpmcleod
I can understand why Email is added to Other and placed in the #1 position in the Other category. I think that is a wise design decision.
But what happened to me is that on my home page the Other category was moved from its old spot into the #2 position. This is the problem for me and I don't think it should happen.
Why does adding a gallery in a category and perhaps arranging galleries within a category alter how that category is arranged on the home page?
smugmug nickname: mpmcleod
Maybe I am missing something. I understood that we could arrange the categories on our home page. I would expect that arrangement to remain static.
They should not change each time I add a new galleries to an existing category.
I have the categories arranged on the home page as I would like to see them.
1) John_Tella_Atchison
2) Weddings
3) PhotosByDate
4) Other
I want them to STAY in that position. I don't want them to move just because I add a gallery or a sub-category to one of these categories. What happened in this last case (and has in the past) is that a gallery was added to Other and suddenly my home page arrangement changed to:
1) John_Tella_Atchison
2) Other
3) Weddings
4) PhotosByDate
This is what I don't understand. Why did Other get moved?
Thanks for looking into this.
smugmug nickname: mpmcleod
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Thanks Andy and JT. Apologies for being so dense on this. The light is finally going on.
Just to clarify once again.
1) The user does not have any control on how categories are displayed on the home page.
2) Home page categories are simply sorted based on the most recent addition. (Or that is the design anyway)
3)Is this what everyone does to keep their categories in the same location on the home page? (add gallery/ photos, return to home page and put the categories back in place).
thanks again (really need to find a smilie with the light going on above my head and of course one showing the bulb burned out for times like this...)
smugmug nickname: mpmcleod
This is based on the number of the gallery?
(e.g. the largest numbered gallery is "first")
If this is the case then it makes a bit more sense now. Not how I wanted or expected it to work but it still makes sense.
Except that it doesn't actually work this way all the time. I think it is the apparent randomness of the changes that have me confused. For example I just added a gallery to Family, uploaded a picture, then reloaded my home page both in FF (primary/ logged in) and IE (secondary/ logged out/ clear cache & passwords). In this case there was no change.
Does public/private or password have any affect on the ordering algorithm?
Is the reordering processed in batch or on-the-fly?
smugmug nickname: mpmcleod
smugmug nickname: mpmcleod
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Ok. cool thanks!
smugmug nickname: mpmcleod
smugmug nickname: mpmcleod