Why do so many people use Pbase??

Seriously, im not knocking them or anything. They seem just fine for what they are. But, I see tons & tons of REALLY talented photographers over there displaying their stuff, which gets a lot of traffic & comments up the wazoo.
But, for $60 a year you only get 1200 megabytes (like 1GB) of storage. I understand its a different setup than Smugmug (or similar sites) & is geared towards comments/communities, but still. Only 1GB this day & age when so many other companies are offering unlimited like Smugmug, Zenfolio, etc with the same community-like features??
Because most every serious amatuer/pro I notice online either use Pbase or Smugmug, then a few newer companies here & there. Am I missing something about Pbase??
Seriously, this is NOT a diss on Pbase :-)
But, for $60 a year you only get 1200 megabytes (like 1GB) of storage. I understand its a different setup than Smugmug (or similar sites) & is geared towards comments/communities, but still. Only 1GB this day & age when so many other companies are offering unlimited like Smugmug, Zenfolio, etc with the same community-like features??
Because most every serious amatuer/pro I notice online either use Pbase or Smugmug, then a few newer companies here & there. Am I missing something about Pbase??
Seriously, this is NOT a diss on Pbase :-)
SM is a phonomon...fenominal.. phenom .. top shelf product for the $.
What I like in PBase - and I don't use it - is the data by camera, the data by country, by place, the trees representing the struture of each photographer...
SM only allow 2 divisions: Categories and Subcategories. Too little I think.
I still keep a Pbase gallery and probably will continue to do so.
http://behret.smugmug.com/ NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
What Gus and Harry said, for a while they were the only game in town. Accounts were free, linking was not. This n00b was completely buffaloed by their user interface, however, never did get the hang of it.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
I just recently joined SmugMug and did not renew my pBase account. It was a somewhat difficult decision. Among Pbase advantages:
1. Very easy to have the same photo in multiple galleries.
2. Little or no restriction on nesting of galleries.
3. Very simply to use - guestbook integrated, etc.
4. Costs less $$$
5. People knew where to find me there
6. Pretty good "drop in" traffic
7. Things like location of shot can be added in a way that shows up nicely on the page.
Reasons I went with SmugMug
1. Much more customizable (with power account)
2. No limits to uploading - makes me feel free to upload full-size pics.
3. I prefer the way SmugMug URLs work - sites feel more standalone.
4. I like the multiple way of viewing pages (traditional, journal, slideshow, etc.)
I will say that transferring from Pbase to SmugMug has been a lot of work and it isn't finished yet.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Hrm. Put a Gigabyte of photos on both and see? Just curious how the costs less pans out?
Yeah, they're less $$ if you'll only have 300mb stored. I grant that. But...?
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Because Pbase don't have SmugMugs ability to resize photos (S,M,L,O) very few people put original size photos on the site. As a consequence, I would be very surprised if the average Pbase account costs as much as the average SmugMug account. I know mine sure didn't.
Now I'll grant you that if you start storing bunches of the originals on the site, it would be more expensive on Pbase. I never did that there. I will be doing that here (and have started storing some of my newer work that way).
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I use PBase as a reference when I am researching a new lens for my camera and it has worked well for me in that regard. But as a storage or photo sharing site it did not 'fit' me.
For me: The ability to have all my current years photos online at the same time at a price I can afford was the number one selling point for me. I know I could not afford to have this many photos online at my old site as I do at Smugmug. And then the customer service provided here is just great! I've never seen anything approaching this at any of the other companies I've tried. Maybe I just caught them on a bad 'day', who knows.
This is really a subjective choice when you get right down to it. It's like picking one brand of car over another.
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