Yahoo! vs. Smugmug

Just thought I would point out the obvious, every service has outages. How they deal with them is important. The feedback Smugmug gives is the best I've ever seen, and it comes from the CEO not some spokesman.Yahoo outages frustrate users
By Candace Lombardi
Staff Writer, CNET
Published: June 21, 2006, 12:54 PM PDT
Outages across the country left many registered Yahoo users without e-mail or instant messaging capability on Tuesday and Wednesday.
While the company acknowledged an early morning outage Wednesday, many Yahoo user reports indicated that services were also out on Tuesday night in some areas. There were also complaints of Yahoo Sports Fantasy Baseball being unavailable.
While Yahoo's e-mail and messenger services were inaccessible; Yahoo Search, Yahoo News and the Yahoo home pages seem to have been unaffected.
"For a brief period early this morning, certain areas of Yahoo were inaccessible to a portion of registered users due to software-related issues." Yahoo spokeswoman Kiersten Hollars said in a statement. We have identified the issue and corrected it. We know that this may have caused some inconvenience, and we apologize to our users who might have been affected. We take these issues extremely seriously, and Yahoo is instituting new processes to protect against similar incidents from occurring again." <newselement><newselement></newselement></newselement>
Yahoo did not release any details on the percentage of users affected, or what specifically caused the "software-related issues."
We see threads every so often titled "Is Smugmug Down Again?", making it seem like this is a constant issue. In reality we should see 50 times more threads named "Another Perfect Uptime Day for Smugmug". Smugmug is a great service that I recommend to my friends.
I just renewed my pro account, so I'm putting my money where my mouth is.
