Any opinion on Amvona's Dynatran tripods/heads/combos?

They have very competitive pricing, specs look nice, too, but I never heard or saw anybody using them.. And they are the only ones carryings this Dynatran brand, so it's kinda hard to compare side by side with other brands/models...
Anybody tried them already?
Anybody tried them already?
"May the f/stop be with you!"
They look real nice.
They sure do. But they seem to be the beasts of their own. No reviews anywhere (except on their own site:-), so I'm kinda hesitant to cough out a few hundred bucks just to end up with a need to get another, more expensive but definitely "known to be good" set of legs...
I was very happy with amnova. I used their ebay store to purchase and the shipping was good. It came on the expected arrival date. I was happy with them so I may buy a pan/tilt head soon.
I can put some photos of the head up soon if you would like.
"Money can't buy happiness...But it can buy expensive posessions that make other people envious, and that feels just as good.":D
Canon 20D, Canon 50 1.8 II, Canon 70-200 f/4L, Canon 17-40 f/4 L, Canon 100mm 2.8 Macro, Canon 430ex.
Thanks for the info!
$3 for the ball head... Man, that's dirt cheap!
Thank for the tip..
I never thought they had ebay store.. I will check it from now on...
I have their basic model tripod with a three way pan head that came with it. This thing is rock solid. The biggest lens i have is the 70-200f4, with that and the 30D the tripod has no problem holding it steady. I've never had a bogen but I've handled them at the store and the dynatran is, in my opinion, a knockoff of the bogen. The three way head even accepts the Bogen QR plates.
I got mine from an auction for $36.00, which is damn cheap for the quality I got.
It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you're not.
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Appreciate the feedback!
Have a great Fourth!
Ebay does wonders, doesn't it?
Have a great 4th!