Help with ID
Went out this morning and saw this bird which I have been unable to ID. Any ideas. It was fairly good size - a little smaller than a robin. I apologize for the poor shot :uhoh. Should be good enough for an ID though.

RatPhoto -
Sometimes knowing the location helps with ID. Where were you when you saw this chirper?
Interesting idea and possibility. I didn't put the picture up but I do have another even poorer shot. In that one, it is paired with another bird. I thought that bird was the female. She is more of a brown color throughout.
The location for this shot was Chapman's Landing in Maryland. It is fairly diverse with woods, river, meadows, marsh, etc. Blue Jays are one of many species that are fairly common there.
Sibley's pg 401 if you want to check.
That is what my wife thought as well. The problem I have with that ID is that the bird was just too big. I see blue birds often enough to have a fair handle on there size. Still, you never know. The markings are about right.