Yankees vs Marlins
I got the opportunity to purchase some great seats at the NY Yankees game this past Friday against the Florida Marlins. I brought along my 20d & 70-200/2.8 IS lens and I got to shoot my first baseball game.
Full gallery: http://nikos.smugmug.com/gallery/1595471
Enjoy the pics!

Full gallery: http://nikos.smugmug.com/gallery/1595471
Enjoy the pics!

like cabrera!!!!
Not so - there's the catcher right behind Giambi!
Nice work, looks like you had a great time! That's a big lens to bring to a game, glad you didn't get hassled. Some stadiums are really a pain about stuff like that.
Some of the faces could be lightened up tad, but other than that they look very good.
FD4Life, I was having a hard time getting the pictures I have so I decided to concentrate my efforts on the Yankees.
You can pretty much bring any lens you want into this stadium as long as you're not obstructing the other fans. The only limitations for cameras are no tripods/monopods and no bags.
I took a clear plastic bag that they handed out at the entrance which later came in handy when I took some pics in the 8th inning rainfall.
Testing out Smugmug's custom resolution sizes for portrait orientation.
Do you think these look better than the smaller -L size photos or are they a nuisance since you may have to scroll more to view the image?