I'd crop both of these lower right. The bridge is distracting in both shots, but especially in the second where it has blown highlights. In the second, there are plenty of swans, even if you do crop a few off at the left. In the second, of course, you don't want to lose the bird in flight.
Have you tried the highlight feature of shadow/highlight in PS/CS? I've played with it a little and it does work sometimes, especially if you shoot in raw and convert to 16-bit images. It might help blown swan desease. (Not as bad here as in other shots.) If you shoot in raw, you can also address blown swan desease by lowering the exposure until you can see some of the detail in the blown areas. This might make the shadows too deep, but shadow/hightlight will fix. Then mess around with the L curve to put the contrast back in the places where you really want it.
Have you tried the highlight feature of shadow/highlight in PS/CS? I've played with it a little and it does work sometimes, especially if you shoot in raw and convert to 16-bit images. It might help blown swan desease. (Not as bad here as in other shots.) If you shoot in raw, you can also address blown swan desease by lowering the exposure until you can see some of the detail in the blown areas. This might make the shadows too deep, but shadow/hightlight will fix. Then mess around with the L curve to put the contrast back in the places where you really want it.