Largest Print Size @ ISO3200?
I photographed an Arena Football game and had to shoot at ISO3200 with a 20D. What's the largest size I should allow the costumers to print? I was thinking around 8x12 but could I go bigger? I'm okay with the grain to a certain point.
Since this is the Sports Shots Thread, I've included a sample! Were you expecting football!? :lol3

How's this for ruining the moment!? :lol4
Since this is the Sports Shots Thread, I've included a sample! Were you expecting football!? :lol3

How's this for ruining the moment!? :lol4

Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein :bash
- Kevin
- Kevin
Dont' be shy about going large. If you like, process the file and shoot it by me, I'll be happy to review it before you print it (regardless of where you print it...)
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I'm with you...I was pretty shocked! The lens was the 100-400L.
- Kevin
Wow - that's very nice of you Andy! I'll take you up on your offer. I'm not planning on printing, but I didn't want to allow large prints to costumers if they were going to be poor quality.
The pics are in the following gallery -
How should I send you a sample? Can you pull it from the gallery?
Thank you Andy!
- Kevin
I'll be sure and look tomw.
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Thanks Art! I'll take a look at it.
- Kevin
Thanks Andy! I threw the image into the email rather than link it.
- Kevin