API development stopped?
Has development stopped on the API interface? I sure hope not. There are some areas that I see can use some improvement. Right off the top of my head:
Comments: Am I blind, or is there no way to access comments on a photo? Need something to access comments on photos, maybe save a comment, and also list "recent" comments for spam/abuse patrol.
Keywords: Be nice to "show me all pictures with these keywords".
Additional Image methods: Return random images from public galleries. Or, if submitted, random images for a specific gallery. Also, "last X pictures uploaded" would be a great method too.
I'd even contribute code to you to for you review to include in the API system - of course depending on it's language. I've no probs signing a non-disclosure agreement if needed (wouldn't be the first time i've done that). I've strong PHP/MySQL skills (see my Drupal module for smugmug post).
Comments: Am I blind, or is there no way to access comments on a photo? Need something to access comments on photos, maybe save a comment, and also list "recent" comments for spam/abuse patrol.
Keywords: Be nice to "show me all pictures with these keywords".
Additional Image methods: Return random images from public galleries. Or, if submitted, random images for a specific gallery. Also, "last X pictures uploaded" would be a great method too.
I'd even contribute code to you to for you review to include in the API system - of course depending on it's language. I've no probs signing a non-disclosure agreement if needed (wouldn't be the first time i've done that). I've strong PHP/MySQL skills (see my Drupal module for smugmug post).
I am grateful for what they do offer. The API is MUCH more than anyone else (that I know of) offers. It is one of the main reasons I joined and because of it I have been able to fix many issues with my site. I am a bit disappointed and would like to see a bit of effort directed at the API but I understand SMs position.
smugmug nickname: mpmcleod
Sorry, comments aren't exposed via the API yet. To my knowledge, you're the first request - so I'll add it to the list.
This is provided via RSS & Atom feeds already.
Random images are already provided without the API: http://www.smugmug.com/photos/random.mg?AlbumID=XXX&Size=SMUGSIZE
Last X pictures uploaded is provided via RSS/Atom feeds.
Interesting. I spend a few hours a week on the API, so I'm surprised to hear it's "totally off the radar".
We're also not struggling to keep systems operational, thankyouverymuch.
Finally, we have thousands of people using the API every day, so it's certainly not something "only a few people actually use".
It'll continue to improve, though.
Sweeeet! Thanks. Really looking forward to it.
I see "recent photos" as an RSS feed, but not a keyword lookup.
The random image thing is nice to get a random image for a single gallery, but what about from your entire gallery? I searched, I didn't find anything - might have searched wrong. I also tried to use google to search dgrin, but that didn't find much either.
Overall, i think it would be nice if we could get all these wonderful resources through the API - instead of having to switch between RSS and API connections. I've written a smugmug API abstraction layer which incorporates a local cache of API calls (cuts down on API requests significantly). Using this single layer, I can easily access any smugmug method from the API and have it cached (if desired).
Thanks for the quick response, and like others, I appreciate everything you've done thus far. Let me know if you want me to contribute any code. :-)
smugmug nickname: mpmcleod
It is GREAT news that API development continues. It is also good to know that lots of people use it.
I have been hanging out here for some time looking for API news and have not heard (read?) even a peep about the API from SM. From that I gathered that API development was stopped. Perhaps it would have been better if I had said "I have not noticed any work on it in some time"?
This posting was based on my feeling that API development had been abandoned by SM.
So where do these feeling come from?
1) the last (and only) entry in the API blog was over 1 year ago (June 21, 2005).
2) the last API related post from Onethumb (based on keyword api and dgrinner onethumb in the search) was more than 6 months ago (certainly could have been some that I have missed).
3) the beta has been in place for more than 1 year.
4) "They're not supported, endorsed, or guaranteed in any way."
5) No response to bug reports (from myself and other's) regarding the API. except from other dgrinners who stated, without challenge from SM, that API bugs took up to 6 months to fix (e.g. http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=34964&highlight=api)
6) No official response (until today) to users requests for API features.
Taken together, these items appeared to indicate a lack of continuing development of the API.
I am very pleased to know that development continues and look forward to the next release.
thanks for the update!
smugmug nickname: mpmcleod
Overall I'm really happy with Smugmug, and I've convinced at least 10 of my friends to sign up, and some of them have gotten their friends to sign up. So trust me, I'm a big fan. However, I'm really disappointed with the API support.
SmugMug is really only hurting themselves by leaving the API in this state. Almost all SmugMug apps are free, so most of the devs aren't making any money off this. I'm a game developer by day, so that's what pays the bills. I write apps for things like Smugmug for fun. Smugmug should be embracing the devs who are so passionate about the site, because any apps that they write can help to differentiate Smugmug from all the other photo sharing sites out there. On that subject, I think it would help if Smugmug had an "unsupported software" page, with links to all the apps people have made.
EDIT: I just noticed the "hacks: apps" page, so you can ignore the last bit. However, I do think it should be more visible.
Any update on getting comments VIA API? Would be nice to read/write to them via the API.
It would still be nice just to get an image number from a simple API call. I wrote an API interface in PHP to smugmug, and API calls are now very simple. :-)
Along that lines, would be nice to get the last XX images uploaded. :-) I know it's via RSS, but getting it through the API would be nice so I can use my API abstraction layer for smugmug.
Lastly, getting keywords, or, sending a list of keywords to the API and getting a list of images with those (or without) keywords would be grand.
- categories.create
- categories.rename
- subcategories.create
- subcategories.delete
- subcategories.rename
Regarding the beta APIs, there also are several that are broken as best I can tell:
- albums.get (heavy version) - erroneously includes a subcategory when there isn't one
- users.getTree - been a while since I tried this so I don't remember the specifics. I can provide details if needed.
If fixes or new features are put into production, it'd be great to see a post to this forum listing the features and fixes. It'd also be nice to have the docs updated to reflect the changes. In some cases, (images.getInfo returns URLs), the docs should be updated to relect what is actually in production.
I really am a big fan of the API, so please don't take my remarks negatively. I've written a script to integrate my IMatch image management system with Smugmug. And, thanks to the APIs, it works fantastic (it's posted on the photools.com forum in case anyone is interested)!! I'd just like to see some things work correctly (and keep the new features coming).
Thanks for listening.
I can't comment all your points, but I am very surprised at this one. I have been using this API call for well over a year and with no problems.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
If I were to offer a diagnosis of the problem, I would say that a variable in the server-side code is not being reset when the app encounters an album with no subcategories. In my example below, this subcategory occurs further up in the XML stream. And, it show up in every album without a subcategory until an album with a subcategory is encountered.
Does this make sense? It also might help explain why you have not seen the problem.
<album id="660856"><highlight id="0"><community id="0"><description><keywords><album id="660856"><highlight id="0"><community id="0"><description><keywords>
</keywords></description></community></highlight></album></keywords></description></community></highlight></album> </keywords></description></community></highlight></album>
I'm using the XML-RPC API, so that might be why it works for me and not you.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
the XML-RPC API has the same calls as REST, it's requests and responses are just configured differently.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos