ch. 68: What kids see in a carousel
I took this at my local mall, the little girl just happened to be standing there as i proped my camera on top of a trash can.

What do ya think?

What do ya think?
was just my thoughts
edit: just a minor thing, I would remove that whatever-it-is on the back of the kid's shirt to make it a nice solid red shirt.
definitely crop the legs out on the right. keep the focus on the girl and the carousel only.
cant hurt to try a B&W conversion. and a border is always good in my opinion, no matter color or not.
*Canon 40D: 17-55IS - 70-300IS - 100mm Macro - Sigma 10-20EX
I too have a feeling this would work nicely in b&w.
I think this was a perfect opportunity to turn the camera 90` to portrait, capturing the top of the carousel and the child's feet. That might have made her seem more "alone" in the shot.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Awesome shot! Definitely should be entered!!!
Tahnks for all the help! I cropped the guys legs out but the little girl is in the right third of the photo. im gonna keep it color cause most of the competition peices are color. But honestly do you think it could stand a chance in the challenge?
I don't know if you have a chance to re-shoot but you might want to try a picture of the girl on the m g r with her and what she is riding in focus and the outside world spinning in a blur!
There are moments in this digital photography/web forum/sharing world of ours where you run across an image that makes you want to go out and take photos - this is one of them!
Great eye...
+1 on solid red shirt.