Price Quote ?

Hey All,
My photos caught the attention of a sign manufacturer. He requested I take photos of 30-40 of his installed signs for a brochure and website. Photos include day, some nights, some both.
I am as amateur as amateur gets, but have an eye for great photos.
However, I have no idea what the going rate should be.
Travel will be with in a 60 mile radius and I plan to click off aprox. 15 shots per......(different angles-lighting-etc...).It will take 3 days to complete to CD burn and delivery.
Should I give up the rights, and sell to them to own.
Should I put my logo anywhere on the photo.
WHAT would you do? What have you charged ?:dunno
This is a window of opportunity that might open up bigger better opps.
Thanks guys,
the other Andy:hide
My photos caught the attention of a sign manufacturer. He requested I take photos of 30-40 of his installed signs for a brochure and website. Photos include day, some nights, some both.
I am as amateur as amateur gets, but have an eye for great photos.
However, I have no idea what the going rate should be.
Travel will be with in a 60 mile radius and I plan to click off aprox. 15 shots per......(different angles-lighting-etc...).It will take 3 days to complete to CD burn and delivery.
Should I give up the rights, and sell to them to own.
Should I put my logo anywhere on the photo.
WHAT would you do? What have you charged ?:dunno
This is a window of opportunity that might open up bigger better opps.
Thanks guys,
the other Andy:hide
Think of whatever price you personally will be honestly comfortable with - and go with it. Here's one way how to arrive to it.
Also: "pricing photography" bible mentioned in Shay's sticky. Don't give away your work just because it's your first! You don't sell to own - you grant the rights for a said number of copies to run said numbers of times.
Also: please
30-40 signs in 60 miles radius at different times of day, to be used in ads - sounds like a lot of work. We're talking tens of Gs, my friend...:-)
I sat down with his boss, explained this would be my first time doing said work, therefor I wasn't going to go price crazy but felt a fair "day rate" for an 8-hour day would be $300 plus any fees I should encounter. He said ok...I thought...too low. Oh well, I wanted the shot at it. They took me into Chicago and took me to three places. Probably shot no more than 100 pics, burned them to a CD, gave them a release to do whatever they wanted, since I don't have much use nor does anyone else of a desk, of wood work around an elevator. Seemed fair enough.
In the end you just have to make sure you are getting a fair buck for you time.
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and hey, I'm an amatuer too, and I'm big into admitting that before anyone hires me....but hey, if they want're the ONLY one.
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My Equipment:
Canon EOS 5D w/ battery grip
Backup Canon EOS 30D | Canon 28 f/1.8 | Canon 24 f/1.4L Canon 50mm f/1.4 | Sigma 50mm f/2.8 EX DI Macro | Canon 70-200 F/2.8 L | Canon 580 EX II Flash and Canon 550 EX Flash
Apple MacBook Pro with dual 24" monitors
Domke F-802 bag and a Shootsac by Jessica Claire
Infiniti QX4