
Price Quote ?

Action ShooterAction Shooter Registered Users Posts: 20 Big grins
edited July 2, 2006 in Mind Your Own Business
Hey All,

My photos caught the attention of a sign manufacturer. He requested I take photos of 30-40 of his installed signs for a brochure and website. Photos include day, some nights, some both.

I am as amateur as amateur gets, but have an eye for great photos.
However, I have no idea what the going rate should be.
Travel will be with in a 60 mile radius and I plan to click off aprox. 15 shots per......(different angles-lighting-etc...).It will take 3 days to complete to CD burn and delivery.
Should I give up the rights, and sell to them to own.
Should I put my logo anywhere on the photo.
WHAT would you do? What have you charged ?:dunno
This is a window of opportunity that might open up bigger better opps.
Thanks guys,
the other Andy:hide www.actionshotlive.com


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    NikolaiNikolai Registered Users Posts: 19,035 Major grins
    edited June 30, 2006
    Here you go
    Think of whatever price you personally will be honestly comfortable with - and go with it. Here's one way how to arrive to it.

    Also: "pricing photography" bible mentioned in Shay's sticky. Don't give away your work just because it's your first! You don't sell to own - you grant the rights for a said number of copies to run said numbers of times.

    Also: please bowdown.gif use default font color (and size)


    30-40 signs in 60 miles radius at different times of day, to be used in ads - sounds like a lot of work. We're talking tens of Gs, my friend...:-)
    "May the f/stop be with you!"
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    JeffroJeffro Registered Users Posts: 1,941 Major grins
    edited June 30, 2006
    I had a friend at a local office furntture manugacturing and installation company ask me a simiar question. Could I, would I take photos of some of their finished work, so the company could use the photos on their website, and whatever else they wanted to.

    I sat down with his boss, explained this would be my first time doing said work, therefor I wasn't going to go price crazy but felt a fair "day rate" for an 8-hour day would be $300 plus any fees I should encounter. He said ok...I thought...too low. Oh well, I wanted the shot at it. They took me into Chicago and took me to three places. Probably shot no more than 100 pics, burned them to a CD, gave them a release to do whatever they wanted, since I don't have much use nor does anyone else of a desk, of wood work around an elevator. Seemed fair enough.

    In the end you just have to make sure you are getting a fair buck for you time.
    Always lurking, sometimes participating. :D
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    AndyAndy Registered Users Posts: 50,016 Major grins
    edited June 30, 2006
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    rosselliotrosselliot Registered Users Posts: 702 Major grins
    edited July 2, 2006
    don't cut yourself short! amateur my foot! if he asked you take photos, you act like you're the ONLY photographer in town that can take a decent photo and you make sure you prove that to him with your photos! If you're confident that you will get amazing photos of these signs, then you charge him an arm and a leg! in a 60 mile radius....think about gas prices - CRAZY, 3-4 days of work - - CRAZY CRAZY. sounds like a wonderful experience and wonderful oppurtunity to get your stuff out there, BUT DON'T SELL YOURSELF SHORT! add up the cost of gas and your time first, then think about how much the photo sthemselves are worth to both of you. you could give him options like...50,000 for the rights to my photos, or 5,000 for up to but no more than 2 prints of each, then $100 for each extra print. Then you could also say that you'll give him a 10% discount if you're allowed to put your logo on there. because these commercials or billboards are for his business, not yours. well, I hope that helps.

    and hey, I'm an amatuer too, and I'm big into admitting that before anyone hires me....but hey, if they want you....you're the ONLY one.

    - RE

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