Ch 68 - Ineligible Roundabout Shot

I probably won't have time to take any shots for the current challenge, but here's one that I took for another photo contest a while back...

My D70 was clamped to the roundabout and the self-timer was used to trigger the shutter once I'd spun the roundabout... I was very pleased with the results...

My D70 was clamped to the roundabout and the self-timer was used to trigger the shutter once I'd spun the roundabout... I was very pleased with the results...
Cheers, John
Leek's Smugmug Gallery
Nikon D200, D70; Tokina 12-24; Nikkor 50mm f1.4; 18-70mm; 105mm; 80-400VR; G1227LVL; RRS BH-55; Feisol 1401
Leek's Smugmug Gallery
Nikon D200, D70; Tokina 12-24; Nikkor 50mm f1.4; 18-70mm; 105mm; 80-400VR; G1227LVL; RRS BH-55; Feisol 1401
pretty much perfect.
maybe i am just a bit too retentive, but the only teensy weensy thing that could make it better is the top left patch to not be a different color. my eye keeps getting drawn there.
*Canon 40D: 17-55IS - 70-300IS - 100mm Macro - Sigma 10-20EX
Leek's Smugmug Gallery
Nikon D200, D70; Tokina 12-24; Nikkor 50mm f1.4; 18-70mm; 105mm; 80-400VR; G1227LVL; RRS BH-55; Feisol 1401