It's this time of year again...

Crescent Moon July 2 2006:

Canon 30D + 100-400 IS USM + 1.4x, f/10 at 1/320, ISO 1600, handheld, full manual (including focusing)

Canon 30D + 100-400 IS USM + 1.4x, f/10 at 1/320, ISO 1600, handheld, full manual (including focusing)
"May the f/stop be with you!"
- Kevin
This TC really helps. Although (manual) focusing is more difficult, especially handheld...
I was pretty shocked when I saw "handheld". I need to get a TC for my 100-400! Just curious though - Why manual focus?
- Kevin
On 20D/30D autofocus only work with lenses with certain min f/stop value, which, I believe, is f/5.6. Since TC "steals" one f/stop, it essentially converts 100-400 f4.0..f/5.6 into 140-560 f/5.6.. f/8. And since I used the far tele side, at f/8 it killed AF
There is a way to workaround this by covering certain pins with a tape (google for "TC pin taping", or check this dpreview thread), but I didn't try it yet...
I keep seeing posts on that but never really considered it would be an issue with L-Series so I didn't pay any attention to it. That stinks!
Thanks for the tip and the link but I don't think I wouldn't have the nerves to try it!:uhoh
- Kevin
L or not L, it's simply a body's limitation. If I'm not msitaken, 1-series have min value for AF to work at f/8, hence it's not a problem for them rich boys
I did it: