July 4th Site Status
Hi -- just recently logged in to my site and saw my gallery stats. Tried to go to another page and got a "sorry we can't connect" error from IE. Tried again and got to my control panel only to find all the stats gone. I'm not a pro, so its not a big deal, but thought I'd see if this is only my problem or if its something that everyone is seeing :dunno
My stats are gone as well.
- Kevin
MY STATS ARE GONE!!!!!!!!!!!! There is nothing...no notice or anything!!!!
I am a professional and rely HEAVILY on those stats!!!!!:bash :bash :bash
I even emailed smugmug and there is no reply!!!!!!
Life is a compromise of what your ego wants to do, what experience tells you to do, and what your nerves let you do.
It would be nice with a message from the SmugMug supporters about what´s going on.
Best regards,
David List
Mandi, you did in fact get a reply from us, 23 minutes after you mailed it. I responded to you myself. If you need me to post a copy of it, I'll be happy to. We're open and responding to help mail 365 days a year, even holidays.
Thanks in advance for your patience.
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Sorry for the trouble right now. Our Director of Ops is on the case, and HQ is aware and they're working on the problem. More as we get it.
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Happy Fourth!
Just as an FYI, my ISP manages our servers in real-time and generates messages when they can't "find" our servers (they use SiteScopr). This is how they (and I'm sure most ISP's) manage their clients' uptime.
Anyway, they manage www.visionlinkimages.com as a "seperate" server not knowing, because of DNS (CNAME), it points to your SM servers. At least once a day, and quite often, more than once, I receive a warning: "Time out reading http://www.visionlinkimages.com".
I can, however, view my site at www.initialphotography.com, but that isn't where it redirects you when you log in.
The problem appears to be limited to my home page at initialphotography.smugmug.com, because I can get in if I go in one level below the home page (i.e. initialphotography.smugmug.com/Galleries) .
So right now, to get to my control panel, I have to log in, then give the full URL to one of my galleries or categories.
"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera" - Dorothea Lange
So much for SmugMug enjoying the holiday, huh!?
- Kevin
Thankfully I'll just worry about prepping more of my honeymoon pics for upload for whenever the site is back up rather than fretting over not being able to upload *some* at the moment. Maybe by the time I have them all ready to go the site will be back up.
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One step ahead of you, did it right after making the post. Thanks!
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I'm now having trouble reaching the smugmug site - intermittant down and I can't get to my (berley.smugmug.com) or other subdomains...
FYI - I hope it's not too hard to fix on a holiday!
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thanks for the timely response Andy (and all!)
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Thanks everyone, again, for your patience.
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Thank you guys! Happy 4th!
- Kevin
It's the 4th? What's that, some sort of holiday?
Yeah really! Just not what it used to be.
Of coarse, I'm not helping by sitting in Starbucks all day, supporting the fact that they're open and working!
- Kevin
Let me also say...how cool of you to take time out of your holiday weekend to make sure the stat page is back up. And, how cool of you to reply with such level headed responses to people like me who go off the handle and scream at my screen. Thank you, for getting them back up...and forgive me for being "pissed"...just a little frustrating. Also, at the time it wasn't even letting me access my site...was getting an error saying page could not be found.
Okay...it's 5:00 somewhere...perhaps that beer might taste good right about now.
Thank you...Thank you...Thank you!!!!
Life is a compromise of what your ego wants to do, what experience tells you to do, and what your nerves let you do.
Mandi: no worries, at all
BTW, the reason you don't / won't get an email, is that 9/10 times, by the time an email would be sent, any problem is resolved.
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