Newbie ...need your help
Hi All,
I have got into photography a year back.
Whatever time I get off from my job, I try to take some photos.
I recently went to F1 Silverstone and took a few snaps with my Fuji S7000 (my first and only camera).
Since I am an amateur and people over here are good photographers, I would appreciate if you could tell me the mistakes I have done and how could I improve.
Thank you
I have got into photography a year back.
Whatever time I get off from my job, I try to take some photos.
I recently went to F1 Silverstone and took a few snaps with my Fuji S7000 (my first and only camera).
Since I am an amateur and people over here are good photographers, I would appreciate if you could tell me the mistakes I have done and how could I improve.
Thank you
However... I would give some advice and pick out a few photo's for C&C. I don't think there will be too many to go through a 97 picture gallery. Just my thoughts.
It's always tough to shoot racing, through a fence, with a wide angle, or from too far away.
Like you had to do gives you a memory, but not much else.:cry
Here it looks like you were in a tight space with extreme back lighting. I think you did a pretty good job framing this shot, considering where you were, and having no control over the bright background.
Enjoy you first, and only camera, shoot, shoot, and shoot some more. Pay attention to the settings, remember the good ones do again. Remember the bad ones, try to avoid..:D
Some of your shots would have been much better, if you could have stopped those two guys from getting in your way.......
J-bo, next time will list less photographs..dont want to bug you guys with my amateur photography.
Yup xtnomad..thats the idea..shoot shoot shoot
I looked at em all! I could say what I see, but don't have the skills to tell you what you could do to make them better as I'm learning also. But I just didn't know how many of the pro's in here would take that time, so it was more of a suggestion to get you more feedback.
Jeffro is a great guy on here (a pro) and I heed to his advice often.
Thanks for the compliment, and all though I do get published, I don't consider myself a "pro" in the truest sence of the word. You see a pro is defined as making like 51% of their income from photography, which I don't, and probably never will.:cry
I guess I could quit my real job, and make 100% of my income from photography
I do however try to be as professional as I can be...:D
Thanks for your invaluable feedback.