Mentos/Diet Coke 4th of July fountain

Our own cheap fireworks were nothing special for the holiday, but a friend brought over a 2-liter diet coke and we tried the Mentos mints trick to produce a fountain. Well worth the dollar spent.
Dial-up warning - this is 1.3MB animated .GIF with 10 images
Dial-up warning - this is 1.3MB animated .GIF with 10 images

My Smugmug
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
I got to try that!
One thing we definately are, is the poorest on the street. But I shoot with the nicest camera
In fact I did spent a few minutes this morning picking up fireworks debris off our front lawn. Trash from the neighbor kids. Our own fireworks were smokebombs, flares, and the legal type our overly paranoid state (Illinois) allows for sale.
Of course, everybody who knows anything about fireworks knows that its the illegal stuff that's way more fun. Some powerful firecrackers did nicely to share the love with our elderly hearing impared neighbors. Just enough to startle them, and not enough for them to call the police.
The Mentos fountain was interesting, but far from the noisy conventional stuff. But after seeing these on TV and internet videos, we had to add it to the festivities.
Prop the soda bottle up well. 3 Mentos mints to one warm 2-liter diet soda. Toss 'em in real fast, and run run run.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, 'twas his intent to blow up the King and the Parliament. Three score barrels of powder below, Poor old England to overthrow: By God's providence he was catch'd With a dark lantern and burning match. Holloa boys, holloa boys, make the bells ring. Holloa boys, holloa boys, God save the King! Hip hip hoorah!
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Here's an example of all the fun "legal" Illinois fireworks can give. The girls are pulling on a couple wimpy strings with a microscopic loaded charge in the middle. Hard to see.
Here's a 100% crop to make it visible. Timing is everything. The girls got timing. And I captured the "explosions."
That's why people risk traveling to Kentucky, Tennessee, Indiana, or somewhere else to buy the real stuff and hope they don't get caught.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Sure, now you tell me.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
I've tried the Mentos thing a while back. The directions I had were to drop 13 Mentos into a 2 liter bottle of soda. I got a fountain that rose about 15 feet into the air. Quite fun. Diet soda works better and it leaves less of a sticky mess. I have a video somewhere...
"Money can't buy happiness...But it can buy expensive posessions that make other people envious, and that feels just as good.":D
Canon 20D, Canon 50 1.8 II, Canon 70-200 f/4L, Canon 17-40 f/4 L, Canon 100mm 2.8 Macro, Canon 430ex.
Well, you know what to do then. When can we see it?
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
We have the "legal" ones and they are sold all over town. We are one of two towns in San Mateo County (south of San Francisco) that sell and allow them. They make enough noise and the "sparkler" ones shoot about 7 to 8 feet high. It seems there's always that one family on the block that goes and buys out the firework stand and sets them off all night long!
Oh well, I will say they are pretty careful and the adults supervised... but there are the occasional people who get illegal ones and we see them streaming into the air high above the trees.
That's amazing... I bet my grandson would love that!
That's quite an animated gif too! I got a real chuckle out of it...
Hi David......... I saw this done on TV not so long ago, I was quite shocked at how high the flow from the bottle of Soda Pop went up
Aren't you just too clever to posted an animation of the whole thing online Mr Smarty Pants
Most Fireworks have been banned in Victoria for many years now, for reason that Gus gave and I am pretty sure it had to do with the shocking burns that many children and others received in accidents involving fireworks.
I gotta say though I do enjoy a decent fireworks display especially around New Year and Australia Day........ take care David, and say hi to your dear wife for me too
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
Not true ... maybe in San Diego and Orange counties, but in Los Angeles and San Bernardino plenty of communities allow fireworks .. the beauty of Independance Day in SoCal is to mosey down to Mexico and get the "real" stuff, (not firecrackers ... although they are fun, but real starlight shells), Now you have a backyard firework show worthy of a revolution.
PS- Those string things are a bit enemic ... but I gotta try the Mentos and Coke thing. (Maybe in Mexico they have eight liter bottles of Coke and supersized Mentos ... )
Unsharp at any Speed
coupla other vids here, incl the 18' record!
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Interesting article (2nd link). The scientist they speak of, Lee Marek, is from Naperville, IL., teaching H.S. science. He has been a guest on David Letterman's show several dozen times, along with the kid scientists he teaches. He was also a frequent customer of my store.
One time, he came in to ask how many ways there were to inflate bicycle inner tubes. We sold him a high-end pump, which I assume he used in the classroom to deliver more than just air (I could only imagine what he was going to use it for). And actually, when I did finally ask him on a subsequent visit, he only said "well, we're having fun with it." He also used it to air his bike tires, as he rarely drove a car.
Anyway, he is a strange one. I taught him how to use a plyers to hold the valve, and with the air chuck on a compressor hose, to inflate a tube (in mid air, no tire around it) until it grew to 10 times the size and then burst. Hours of fun. When he saw me do it, he had to practice it a few times himself. Unlike us pros, he wore gloves and a face shield (wimp!). Note: this is expensive to do with new inner tubes - so we used discarded tubes that had holes in them, with that part cut off, and then the tube was tied in a knot. He took an assortment of tubes from the trash bin with him.
I never saw him do anything with the pump or blowing up tubes on Letterman, but one of my employees thought he saw the pump on a re-run once.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Please excuse my sister's goofy laugh.
What I used:
-2 liter bottle of "Diet Rite" (cheapest stuff I could find)
-13 mentos
-PVC pipe (to get them all in there at once)
"Money can't buy happiness...But it can buy expensive posessions that make other people envious, and that feels just as good.":D
Canon 20D, Canon 50 1.8 II, Canon 70-200 f/4L, Canon 17-40 f/4 L, Canon 100mm 2.8 Macro, Canon 430ex.
Very good. It could only have been better if that car had run over it as it reached its zenith.
Thanks for sharing that.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
lol, I did this also this weekend.....
here are two pics of my sister caught of me setting it off
Canon 60D
Canon Rebel XTi (400)
Canon 10-22mm, Canon 50mm f/1.8 II
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Awais, Mentos/Diet Coke fountains are becoming the new national pastime here. Give it a try in your country. You just might become famous!
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
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