
Let's say I start a new thread in the Costomization Section cause I've got a question and need help. It's a simple question and gets answered by the first reply. Case closed.....right?
Yes - but to all who's lurking in the costomization section this person is still looking for help --- so another CSS expert jumps in only to find that the questions been answered already. Waste of time for that guy.
OK - to make a long story short....
Wouldnt' it be nice if there was an "Unsolved Mysteries" column next to the thread which showed either:
a) an open folder - ie. problem not solved...please come in and help, or
b) a closed folder - problem solved, move along...
Am I on to something here or way out to lunch?
Actually, because some posts aren't "problem/solution" related - you could have the thread starter specify weather or not a "folder" icon should be added to the thread.
The more I think about it, the more I think it makes sense for more than just the costomization section.
You could also, in the same column, have an "FYI" icon to specify that the thread is obviously just - FYI. hmm...
Any thoughts?
Yes - but to all who's lurking in the costomization section this person is still looking for help --- so another CSS expert jumps in only to find that the questions been answered already. Waste of time for that guy.
OK - to make a long story short....
Wouldnt' it be nice if there was an "Unsolved Mysteries" column next to the thread which showed either:
a) an open folder - ie. problem not solved...please come in and help, or
b) a closed folder - problem solved, move along...
Am I on to something here or way out to lunch?
Actually, because some posts aren't "problem/solution" related - you could have the thread starter specify weather or not a "folder" icon should be added to the thread.
The more I think about it, the more I think it makes sense for more than just the costomization section.
You could also, in the same column, have an "FYI" icon to specify that the thread is obviously just - FYI. hmm...
Any thoughts?
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