Domain name help

I am having a bit of trouble understanding the domain name stuff.
I recently signed up to a web hosting company and when I registered, I got a domain name as well. I then cancelled it as I signed up with smugmug, and figured I could just use that instead of having a seperate gallery AND website.
So I still own the domain name, but they tell me they cannot set a CNAME for me, and that I will have to sign up to another webhost and then get them to do it.
Is this right? Does everyone have both a webhost AND smugmug account?
Appreciate any help on what to do.

I am having a bit of trouble understanding the domain name stuff.
I recently signed up to a web hosting company and when I registered, I got a domain name as well. I then cancelled it as I signed up with smugmug, and figured I could just use that instead of having a seperate gallery AND website.
So I still own the domain name, but they tell me they cannot set a CNAME for me, and that I will have to sign up to another webhost and then get them to do it.
Is this right? Does everyone have both a webhost AND smugmug account?
Appreciate any help on what to do.
Who's your domain host? Usually we can get anyone set up with a CNAME, but if they won't, then it's not hard to move your domain name to another one that will
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Thank you
I was hosting the webspace with I think I have driven them a bit nuts with my questions lately, especially as I have just cancelled them!
I am pretty sure that the actual domain was registered with but I don't have any passwords to that.
My domain name is
Thanks for any help
I'm in Australia so that might complicate things?!
Natalie Manuel Animal Photography - Blog & Gallery
No, shouldn't. When we're all done you can just send the Cherry Ripes and Vovos to my office address
So, I can't speak for them, haven't worked with them. But your .au name should work fine, we have pros from Oz:
Email them. Tell them you need a simple CNAME Alias of to
Show them our help page:
If they can't or won't, we'll get Devbobo (moderator here, SmugMugger, and Fellow Aussie, to lean on them for you.
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ha, cherry ripes. No problem there
I have told them that, but they came back twice with this response:
We can't set a CNAME record for you unless you have hosting with us. You will need to host the domain somewhere (either proper hosting or just DNS hosting), and the host will need to set the CNAME record."
What is "just" dns hosting?
I really thought they could just give me the details to go to Net Registry and then I could change it myself.
I think I need some leaning....hehe.
Natalie Manuel Animal Photography - Blog & Gallery
If you don't mind, I've pinged Devbobo, let's see what his recommendations might be.
One other thing, you could always just switch - I know that some folks down under use Joker, we really love them...
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Thanks for that. If he agrees I have no problems transferring to somewhere else so I actually have some control over it.
Natalie Manuel Animal Photography - Blog & Gallery
Your webhost was proving web hosting and domain hosting.
You cancled your account with them. They are no longer hosting your website or your domain.
This is why I never register my domain names with my webhosting company........
You need to transfer your domain name to a company that will host it for you. Say something like for example (they don't even pay me though the should).
You will be forced to renew your domain for an additional year when you do the transfer but thats not really all that expensive. Your old hosting company is going to have to comply with the transfer to get it to go through and this could be the tricky part but seeing as they are saying to get a domain host and don't want to deal with your account apparantley then it shouldn't be a problem.
Now once your domain is being hosted again cname or another type of domain forwarding can be setup.
First you have to get the domain hosted again.
And yes Andy domains have to be hosted. The almight gods of the net require your domain to be hosted on no less than 2 dns servers to provide as close to 100% uptime as possible. So seeing as currently her domain isn't technically hosted anywhere no one can setup a cname. Now if you can get the login and password to the company where the domain was registered you might jsut have a shot. But you would need to contact the registrar to see if they can help you with that.
I still recommend going through the hassle and xferring to as it will make life easier.
Netlogistics is the hosting company. However NetRegistry is the domain hosting company or domain registrar if you will. These are the only people you should be concerned with at this point and they are you who need to talk to. However I have a feeling the two companies are connected they are still two seperate companies.
Now your whois says that the owner of the domain is you Natalie ******
and that your email address ends in
Is this information correct?
If it is you can simply call them up, explain the situation and they will help you or at least should if they don't wanna go up against the big boys of the web ICANN who can make life not so happy for them.
Here is the catch 22, they don't offer url redirction, etc for free. They charge an additional $19.95 a year for this. Which is nuts.
You are still better off contacting this company and transferring everything over to another registrar like that offers the domain redirect, better customer service, etc included with the purchace of a domain or transfer of a domain.
Also Dominic Main of netregistry is currently listed as your technical contact. You want that changed to your info.
Their number is 1800 78 80 82.
That page talks about changing your cname with this and also explains that you need that extra service from them to do it.
Yep, that info is right.
I'm assuming is US based, would there be any drawbacks in not choosing an Australian registrar instead?
Lessons learned that this is the last time I never register a domain with a web hosting company
I'll contact Net Registry & and see what they say about it.
App. the help, again...:D
Natalie Manuel Animal Photography - Blog & Gallery
Sorry I was a bit late to the party, I have been out and about a bit today.
Looks like dragon has pretty much sorted you out. My domain is registered with NetRegistry and I pay the $19.95 per year for the CNAME feature. I agree it's a bit expensive, but the feature I do like is that I can forward all email for that domain to any email address of my choice.
I'm pretty sure that NetRegistry will sort you out pretty quickly, they have always been very responsive.
In regard to, they don't offer domains. Due to domains not being open to a free for all like most other domains (ie. must have a registered business of some sort), it's not as popular for overseas bulk registers like godaddy.
Anyway, if you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask.
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I use Godaddy and have set it up so that when somebody types in, they get to my smugmug site which is Nowadays I know lots of people will type in domain names without the www. Is there any way to set it up so that if somebody types in it still will point to my smugmug site?
Yes, set up an A record on Godaddy, IN ADDITION to your CNAME that's already set up. A records are explained here:
Beware, we can change our IP, so if that happened you'd have to update your A record.
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Yikes! Ok. I am using CNAME and forwarding. I guess I am better off just cancelling the forwarding, right?
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To make changes via email to your account we do need to confirm security
What i suggest if you are having issues with the reseller, and would
like to move away from them into your own account. You will be required
to fill in an accounts split.
When this is completed we can give you all your security details
So I'm presuming I have to get this accounts split form from Net logistics? Have asked both of them so more waiting
Natalie Manuel Animal Photography - Blog & Gallery
I emailed both Net Registry and Net Logistics and I keep getting different answers!
First, Net Registry said to fill out a split accounts form, but then another person from that company said to get Net Logistics to fax on letterhead a letter saying to transfer the domain to my account.
So I told Net Logistics this and they said they will contact Net Registry and find out as they were not familiar with the protocol. That was three days ago and I've emailed and they just say they are waiting on Net Registry!!
Is there anything I can do? I mean I have paid for the domain and yet haevn't actually been able to use it now for 7 days or so.
Natalie Manuel Animal Photography - Blog & Gallery
You said you had emailed these companies? You might wanna try calling net registry and speaking with someone directly on the phone. They may be confused as to what is really going on here. Also it may help to do a conference call with Net Registry and Net Logistics on the phone at the same time that way everyone can be on the same page and there isn't a whole bunch of he said she said. That would most likely be the fastest way to work things out. They shouldn't be holding this hostage especially when you are listed as the domain name owner.
Thank you...
I actually got a response from Net Registry saying to fill out the form. I did, and they said it would take effect in 48 hours. So I will check tomorrow as it is currently still going towards NL.
However, am I right in thinking that I'm still going to need somewhere to host it? The whois right now has Net Logistic's DNS servers as hosting it (which they obviously aren't) and I guess as you only change the cname to smugmug, then you still need other name servers? I think someone said that earlier in the thread?
Natalie Manuel Animal Photography - Blog & Gallery
If they continue to give you beefs about it, you can switch your domain name host.
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If Net Registry continue to be difficult, would I be able to easily cancel the domain or transfer it somewhere else? This is just ridiculous!
Natalie Manuel Animal Photography - Blog & Gallery
Now I'm confused again
Am I going to definitely need to host the domain somewhere OTHER than the registrar and smugmug? Do I need to purchase a cheap hosting plan?
Should I pay the $20 to get the ability to do url redirection etc, or should I just change to another registrar?
Appreciate the help,
Natalie Manuel Animal Photography - Blog & Gallery