Another attempt B&W
Here is my second attempt at a bw conversion. I don't have a good eye for it yet. They are pictures of my youngest daughter at the playground. C&C welcome on the conversions and the photos.
as all have said, so do I; the second one is the best-
good comp, good conversion-
take it and experiment with curves for brightness and contrast-
try some different tones-
good job!-
Master Of Sushi Noms
Amateur CSS Dork
-Marilyn Monroe
Thanks Bryan. Here is the exif data. I hope that is what you were referring to by specs. I'm new to this, so I don't know all the terminology. It was taken at: 1/320 sec, f/5.0, ISO 200, 80mm and no fill flash. I usually use fill flash, but experimented going without it, since it was an overcast day.
Thank you Jamie. I appreciate your comments.
Wow! The natural light you achieved without the need for fill flash at ISO 200 is amazing. Am I right to assume you did not handhold for that shot? If you did, I must say, you did a great job of keeping the image shake completely out of your subject.
Master Of Sushi Noms
Amateur CSS Dork
I was not using a tripod. It was overcast, but still fairly bright, if I remember correctly. I was using an Image Stabilized lens and the shutter was 1/320 of a second.
She was playing at the playground and it was hard to get her to hold still long enough for any shots, much less give me the time to set up a tripod. I had to bribe her by saying we would go out for ice cream afterwords, if she would let me get some pictures of her.