About Nikon Capture NX...
I am using NC NX (Nikon Capture NX) for a couple of days now and like to point out some pros and cons of this trial version.
I had the following workflow:
1. Make necessary color / exposure adjustments in NC 4.4 (Nikon Capture 4.4)
2. Convert NEF to Jpeg in Nikon View or “Save as” in NC 4.4
3. Framing and resizing in PhotoShop 7.0
PRO: Currently I did use NC NX to make color / exposure corrections and I am very happy with this new NX version. The Color Control Point is a real blessing as well to be able to create Steps.
CON: I can’t however convert NEF’s to Jpeg’s in Nikon View anymore without loosing all the adjustments done in NC NX. If you “Save As” of Batch convert to Jpeg in NC NX while using the best possible quality settings, you end up with a much lesser quality Jpeg. This makes me hold my hand on my wallet for a while.
PRO: In comparison with NC 4.4, NC NX is a lot faster with the majority of adjustments.
CON: Starting and closing NC NX or Loading and saving your NEF’s does go much slower than NC 4.4. You need to have a machine with heavy specs to feel comfortable with NC NX.
I guess they released NC NX a bit too soon. It’s still filled with little “bugs” (although you can live with the most of them), but the Jpeg conversion bothers me the most.
Maybe some of you did encounter the Jpeg problem already and have a solution for this?
I had the following workflow:
1. Make necessary color / exposure adjustments in NC 4.4 (Nikon Capture 4.4)
2. Convert NEF to Jpeg in Nikon View or “Save as” in NC 4.4
3. Framing and resizing in PhotoShop 7.0
PRO: Currently I did use NC NX to make color / exposure corrections and I am very happy with this new NX version. The Color Control Point is a real blessing as well to be able to create Steps.
CON: I can’t however convert NEF’s to Jpeg’s in Nikon View anymore without loosing all the adjustments done in NC NX. If you “Save As” of Batch convert to Jpeg in NC NX while using the best possible quality settings, you end up with a much lesser quality Jpeg. This makes me hold my hand on my wallet for a while.
PRO: In comparison with NC 4.4, NC NX is a lot faster with the majority of adjustments.
CON: Starting and closing NC NX or Loading and saving your NEF’s does go much slower than NC 4.4. You need to have a machine with heavy specs to feel comfortable with NC NX.
I guess they released NC NX a bit too soon. It’s still filled with little “bugs” (although you can live with the most of them), but the Jpeg conversion bothers me the most.
Maybe some of you did encounter the Jpeg problem already and have a solution for this?
It looks like a very promising program but they still have to do some fine-tuning. Right now my workflow with 4.4 is going too smooth to switch right now.
http://behret.smugmug.com/ NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Thanks Harry.
It's clear that it as still far from perfect but I'm confident they will make it even better than NC 4.4. For now NC 4.4 is still the winner by far.
30 days evaluation I find personally a bit short. 45 or 60 days would be better unless they can promise a killer upgrade well before the trial expires.
Thomas Fuller.
SmugMug account.
I was trying to get picture of the hummers around our feeder hanging in the Palo Verde tree, but it seemed that it was too dark and the camera wouldn’t focus. I was about to give up and click the flash and shutter fired. Pretty dark image
So I ran it through NX and increased the exposure 1.97, and set Sharpening to Normal. Cropped it in PS7 – haven’t figured out how to keep the ratio the same while cropping in NX.
Upped my memory from 512 to a full GB, and it made a huge difference with NX, but it still sometimes gets lost. I have noticed that if you are moving a slider, like Exposure, and you hesitate and go on, the slider doesn’t move with the mouse pointer. The slider freezes until the picture has been adjusted and repainted. But sometimes you just have to stop, cancel the action and start over.
Consider it's still a trial version. I think it will become a great product and much more valuable than NC 4.4 but for now too many bugs.
Great capture BTW. You see for yourself how easy you can change things in NC NX. Just wait and see how it will become a topper and make to wanne buy a license.
Thomas Fuller.
SmugMug account.
I was reading the Website and it definitely says to purchase NX before the thirty-day trial ends so you can enter the license code. That tells me there is not another version due out soon, the version we have for trial, is the production version. Enter the License code and you become the proud owner of the version of NX you down loaded and are currently testing.
Further the document “Capture NX Ver.1.0.0” dated June 29, 2006. specifically states, “Thank you for purchasing or trying Capture NX software. This document contains the latest available information, which may not be included in the user's manual.” This sounds like Nikon is aware that there are some minor issues, they list nine (9) items, but that they don’t have any immediate plans to rectify these issues. It also tells me that they are not prepared at this time to correct the manual either. Maybe in six-months or a year there will be NX Ver. 1.0.1, but I wouldn’t expect one before then, unless there is a huge outcry from angry Nikon NX users, or the sales just aren't there.
Thanks for the info Brooks.
If that's the case than I keep surely my hand on my wallet for a while. I love to have the NX version but not in the state it's in right now. On other forums (like Dgrin) the cry-out from the Nikonians is overwelming. A lot of complains are very valid and need surely serious consideration to fix shortly.
NC 4.4 works just great and is 100% compatible with Nikon View 6.2.7. Buying and using NC NX right now means giving up NV and NC 4.4.
My dicision is: I will wait.
Thomas Fuller.
SmugMug account.
Hi Dick,
I’m sorry about the time delay, but I posted just before going to bed last night, and I missed your post until this morning. Woke up at 5:30 and it was foggy, and since it was also 75-f it was too muggy to sleep-in any longer.
I don’t have NC 4.4, I did try the trial, but held off buying to see what this NX thing was going to be like. There are some really nice enhancements like the Points, that select a color, and also seems to create the effect of having a mask in place, an it is a really interesting tool. But I think there are some glaring omissions as well. I have a picture from my Daughter’s wedding and there is a flare from one of the pearls on a necklace. In PS7 I just selected another pearl of the same size using the healing tool and replaced the one with flare, and then removed any left over purple. Can’t see anyway to do that in NX. In another picture there is a very small piece (really just a speck) of confetti (?) on a nose, easily removed in PS, but in NX?
When I downloaded the trial I had a computer running with an Athlon 64 3000+ and 512MB of memory. Regardless of what the brochure has to say, half a gig is not enough. I would click on the slider to change the Exposure, only the slider wouldn’t move for six or seven seconds, and when it did, more often than not, it would not move to where I had the mouse pointer. It would stop somewhere along the scale. NX would then churn away and after an agonizingly long wait repaint the picture with the adjustment. OK, so it’s slow, but upon the completion of the repainting of the picture, the slider would jump to another point on the scale, and repeat this all over again. It would continue doing this for every place along the scale that it detected that you paused. And if you are like me, you may have gone back to the slider and clicked on it again to try and get it to move. What a mess.
I went and bought a gig of memory, and NX is running much smoother, but it is still possible to leave it behind. When this happens it is best to go get a drink of something, or check on the Wife, pet the dog, etc. You have to let NX finish doing what ever it is that NX thinks it needs to do, do not click on another slider, button, or control, the situation just gets worse. I read in another thread, that when NX loads it wants two gigs of memory for its work space and a buffer, if that is true, then I guess you need about 2.5GB of memory minimum to really run NX smoothly, considering the memory needed for Windows to run in.
I have not experienced any problems using Nikon View with NX. If I attach my camera my pictures get downloaded and View comes up in the new folder (I really need to get a card reader, just haven’t gotten around to it yet). I can then select NX as the Editor I want to use, I also have the choice of PS 7, Nikon Editor, and some others, some of which don’t make any sense but I don’t feel like taking the time to delete them as choices.
I hear you Brooks. I also have to excuse myself for being less on this forum because time in not my friend the last few days.
Personally I think that it is wrong to assume that NX should replace PS at a certain moment in time. I think NX is not and either will be build for post processing to the extent like Photo Shop. NX is build IMO for color and exposure corrections and correct common digital artifacts…That said, I think that Nikon Capture is by far superior in this.
PS is for me THE tool to do those alterations that add / subtract / digitally correct in a picture. The scar on a chin, the fly on a shirt and the pimple in a face…those are the corrections that have to be made in PS. Making borders, being artsy…all belong to PS IMO.
I agree with you that NX can be slow in certain cases and above 1 GB RAM is a must. I have extra memory ordered and I’m also busy with information to buy a whole new computer. NX or not, some day I have to upgrade anyway.
You can take some of you slowness away to make sure you setup is spy-ware and virus free, having at lease 1/3 of free disk space, make sure your HD is defragged, disable unnecessary services in your startup, make sure your TEMP folder is accessible and as clean as possible, uninstall programs you never use, make sure your registry is healthy and optimized…If you have the time, rebuild your computer and start from scratch.
Thomas Fuller.
SmugMug account.
I' m a professional photographer based in Italy, I'm testing Capture Nx and it seems a little bit too slow. I'm used to work with Capture One to develop my raw files.
Capture Nx it is full of interesting stuff but you will need a big workstation to make it profitable!!!
Otherwise you will waste a lot of time.
I will think twice before insert CNX in my workflow.
Welcome Vittore to Dgrin!
I can understand that a pro does think twice before using NC NX because of speed issues. Sooner or later you have to upgrade your computer anyway, so...if it's in the budged and NX is consedered an advantage to you...
Thomas Fuller.
SmugMug account.
Well, two days of trying and testing, U- point technology is really amazing.
I upgrade my Ram to 2 gigabytes, to work with D200 file.
Here there are some test made with D70, as you can see the sky is nice and details in shadows are really sharp.
I’m trying to optimizing the workflow. When I shoot on assignment, or a wedding, or studio shooting I can reach up to 750 / 1000 shots a day, and time is always important.
Some minor bugs make me think that Nikon knows that the product was interesting and that Adobe with Lightroom is doing a nice marketing job. I’m impressed for the power of Capture Nx, as professional photographer I’m always looking for quality and speed, and with U-point I can save a lot of time in post production. To see the power of Capture NX you will need a nice workstation filled up with at least 2 gigabytes of RAM, with 1,5 GB with D200 NEF after some adjustment the program become slow and you will spend too much time waiting. Also video refresh when zooming and resizing image is really slow… But I like the quality and I like U-point.
Two gigabytes of memory is an awful lot of memory and I don’t think that the vast majority of people who would be interested in NX have anywhere near that amount. I don’t think most are interested in getting that much either. For many people, in order to put two gigabytes of ram in their machine they are going to have to remove the ram they already have.
I never had a problem running PS7 with 512MB of memory. In fact I routinely ran PS7, Windows Explorer, and Internet Explorer simultaneously, and generally had more than one Website open. But I was unable to do certain functions in NX, even when running NX only, with the 512MB.
I know this is long, I'm sorry. I sent an Email to Nikon about NK, specifically about how the manual says the cropping tools works, and how the cropping tool really works. Here is their reply, with my original Email on the end. If the first sentence appears incomplete to you, well it does to me too.
Dear Mr. Middleton,
Thank you for your email regarding Capture NX. While Nikon is supporting
Capture NX,
I have provided this information to the product development team for
consideration. Should you have any further feedback please follow the
link I have provided below, where you can fill out the web form online
and submit further comments.
You may also contact Nikon directly by phone, toll free at
1-800-Nikon-UX (1-800-645-6689) 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 363
days a year.
Best regards,
Shane Melstrom
Technical Support Specialist
Nik Software, Inc.
7588 Metropolitan Drive
San Diego, CA 92108
Voice: 619-725-3150
Fax: 619-725-3151
Brooks Middleton wrote:
> Not so much a question as an observation.
> The problem is the controls for the Cropping Tool don’t work like the
> Manual says they do.
> */What the Manual says, /*
> "*Free Crop*
> This crop method enables you to freely draw a cropping rectangle.
> *Fixed Size*
> This method enables you to enter a width and height for the final
> image after cropping. The numbers entered will force the cropping
> rectangle to adhere to the aspect ratio indicated by the numbers.
> By selecting inch, cm, or mm as the unit, the current photograph’s
> size / resolution parameters will be updated based on the numbers
> entered into the Crop Options dialog. After cropping, the image will
> not be interpolated, but the output size will match the numbers
> entered into the Crop Options dialog, and the output resolution (ppi)
> will be changed in order to make the image fit into the size
> indicated. By selecting pixels as the unit, the cropped image will be
> interpolated in order to make the image match the exact pixel dimensions.
> The first number represents the horizontal value, while the second
> number represents the vertical value. For example, 8 x 10 would mean 8
> units wide, by 10 units tall.
> Simply delete both numbers in order to prevent the Crop Options from
> affecting the shape of the cropping rectangle or to prevent the Crop
> Tool from altering the size and resolution of your image.
> *Fixed Aspect Ratio*
> This method enables you to select from one of the predetermined Aspect
> Ratios in order to quickly identify the size of the final image. The
> contents of this box are based on the current units of measurements
> for the application, either inches or millimeters. You may also choose
> a custom aspect ratio and type in the values.
> After you select one of the preset cropping aspect ratios and crop
> your image, the size of your image will be set to match the preset
> cropping aspect ratio. After cropping, the image will not be
> interpolated, but the output size will match the preset’s size, and
> the output resolution (ppi) will be changed in order to make the image
> fit into the size indicated."
> */What the reality is./*
> The first problem is that there is no "Fixed Size" only "Free Crop"
> and "Fixed Aspect Ratio". So the option with the most detailed
> explanation does not exist.
> When I select "Fixed Aspect Ratio" I get another option menu with
> choices like "3x4 Landscape", "4x6 Portrait", etc, and "Custom". If I
> select "Custom" I get two small text boxes with a value of "0.01" in
> each. I can change these, i.e. I can put "6" and "4" in them
> respectively, BUT there is no choice as to whether this represents
> inches, centimeters, or millimeters. I did several crops with "6" and
> "4’ in the boxes and my results were not a picture that was six by
> four inch, or six by four anything. On the good side the PPI did not
> change so at least I was able to get a 100% crop. However the Manual
> specifically says "the output resolution (ppi) will be changed".
> I have not tried every option in NX, but at least in some areas, the
> Manual seems to be more wrong than right, almost like it was written
> for a different product.
> Brooks Middleton
Actually Brooks most systems now come with 1 gig installed. I would hate to run PS CS and Nikon Capture 4.4 on less than my current 1 gig. My 1 gig is too small actually now that I'm working with my D2X files. It was great for the D2H but its just not enough for the D2X files.
The sad fact is that as our camera's file sizes grow and our photo processing software "blesses" us with new features we will have to upgrade our computer systems. Adding more RAM or HD space are two of the cheaper ways to go. It is a vicious cycle but it keeps us poor and humble.
http://behret.smugmug.com/ NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Hi Brooks,
I have to agree here with Harry.
Next Monday some extra memory will be installed on my computer also. 512MB just don't cut it for NX. Currently I running 768MB and is actually not enough to run NC 4.4 much less for NX.
Sooner or later you have to upgrade anyway thus way not now? For me Brooks, the NEF > Jpeg conversion is the deal breaker. I can't produce the same quality Jpeg with NX NEF >Jpeg compared with NC 4.4 NEF > Jpeg. Also the incompatible NX NEF with Nikon View doesn’t have my approval.
I saw however otherwise posted on other forums and that make me think that I do something wrong here. I have no idea what can go wrong with that conversion. Later this day (after 4pm) I will go out to shoot some pics and going to play with them in NX again and convert them to Jpeg to see if I can convince myself to buy a license "as is where is".
Coming back to the speed issue: How many “keepers” at ones do us PP in NX as being non-pro’s? 50? 100? 150? In my case the most of the time less than 50 and it’s actually fun to do. So the extra hour spend while PP should not be a deal breaker.
Thomas Fuller.
SmugMug account.
What kind of problem are you having with View and NX? I open View 6 and look at my NEFs, double click on some to see a larger version in Nikon Viewer, and then from either screen I can click the "Edit" icon to open the picture in NX. I did have to change the editor from Nikon Editor to Nikon Capture NX in the preferences in View 6.
Keepers? You get Keepers?
NV (Nikon View 6.2.7) I use in the first place to sort out my captures before editting. Second, I use(d) NV to batch convert from NEF to Jpeg but the changes in the pictures edited in NC NX are NOT converting to Jpeg anymore. So, I loose all my changes made in NC NX when converting to jpeg in NV.
Thomas Fuller.
SmugMug account.
I’m not sure I’m following you, but I think I am, but here is what I just tried. I started in View 6, and I edited two NEF files using NX and I then saved the NEF files. I then selected the two NEF files in View 6 and used the “Copy and Resize as JPEG . . .” option on the Tools Menu.
The pictures looked to me to have the edits intact. But to check, I reopened the two NEFs with NX and using the “Save as ..” option on the Files Menu I saved them as JPEG files. I can not see any difference between the JPEG file that was converted from the NEF file using View 6, and the JPEG file that I saved directly from NX. They both look identical, and exhibit the edits from the original NEF file.
I’d try re-installing View 6, you might have a dll or common file that has gotten stepped on.
You did understand me very well Brooks. To make really sure I did another attempt to make it work but again without satisfactory results.
Here's an sample: (screen shot NV)
You can see clearly that I did edit the NEF in NX a bit extreme for the sake of this sample.
The Jpeg called "07-15-2006-D200-005nx.jpg" is the one created with NX using "Save as..."
The Jpeg called "07-15-2006-D200-005.jpg" is the one converted with NV using "Copy and Resize..."
It's very clear to me that all changes are lost in the conversion.
Thomas Fuller.
SmugMug account.
Yeah, me too. I have just downloaded NX and will probbaly give it a whirl once I get same more ram into my machine.
http://behret.smugmug.com/ NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Hi Dick,
I can plainly see your point. However, that was not my experience. I would definitely download a new copy of View 6 and try re-installing. Something isn’t right, and I’d start with View 6. What have you got to lose but a few minutes of time?
My example is not as dramatic as yours, but I think you can see that both of the adjusted JPEGs are the same, and both differ from how the original looks.
JPEG converted from original NEF file with no adjustments.
Adjusted the NEF file in NX and saved back to original NEF, then converted using View 6 and the “Copy and Resize as JPEG . . .” option on the Tools Menu.
Adjusted the NEF file in NX and saved as JPEG.
Thank for your input Molsondog.
It it's clear to everybody that NX is a huge step forward in PP, your link confirms this again. The real problem is not really the results of PP itself but issues like speed and compatibility.
The guy in your link did assume however that people are looking for some kind of RAW converter that make all problems disappear. This assumption lead him to state that you don't have to use NX for that and that you better keep quiet and look for something else.
The message I got from that guy is that he knows how to use NX and you not. He did show some really great samples which are strait to the point of greatness of NX but he did not contribute to solve or recognize a problem merely motivation for the doubters…and…to be honest…that’s a good thing also.
There are speed issues and the most of us can deal with that. You will also find some faults called "bugs" and we all can deal with that also. Surely there will be an upgrade that makes the bugs all disappear.
Compatibility issues like I encountered are a different story. At a certain moment in time I have to convert to whatever format I need and if NX can not do that properly, than I have a problem. In my case Nikon View seems to have trouble with NEF’s modified with NX and because I discovered some Jpeg quality issues converting with NX, I reached a dead end.
I can not convert from Nikon View to Jpeg because I loose my NX settings; I can’t convert from NX to Jpeg because I have issues with the Jpeg quality.
Fortunately this forum does exist and I can talk about it. Our valued member “Brooks” doesn’t have those problems with Nikon View and NX and that gives me hope. Other Jpeg postings converted with NX don’t seem to have quality issues. This all gives hope that it’s all a minor stupidity on my side.
Thomas Fuller.
SmugMug account.
Thanks Brooks!
I'm so glad you posted your samples. This indicates that I have a problem on my side which can be solved.
NX is much stronger than NC 4.4 or PS if we talk about PP on the level of color / exposure corrections, and I love to spend my money on this product. Without the certainty that my problem could be solved, my money stays in my pocket. I will keep you informed.
Thomas Fuller.
SmugMug account.
But I opened it (NEF) with NX, and used five Control Points to get rid of the background, and also used D-Lighting. Now that I have done it, if I had to do it over I don't think it would take a minute, probably more like thirty-seconds. I have yet to master layers and masks in PS, so for me, this is really exciting.
I haven't figured out the secret yet to NX's unsharp, I either get way too much, or nothing, so I used PS7 after I was through in NX to apply a small amount of USM.
Started with this
and ended with this
I just noticed something weird. When I look at either the JPEG file on my computer, or the file on SmugMug, the background is completely black, but not in the photo displayed here, which is the SmugMug picture.
I'm not sure what you mean here but USM in NX is as good as it is in NC 4.4 or PS 7.0 on my side.
I can see clearly the "artifacts" in the background and that's why I think it's better to do that kind of heavy PP in PS.
Thomas Fuller.
SmugMug account.
I went back to the original NEF file and tried again. I used High Pass, USM, Levels & Curves, and Control Points. Total time spent was approximately three minutes.
Again, the original
and the picture after adjustments in NX.
I think that is a pretty amazing transformation for about three or four minuts work. The original picture isn't much, I think I would eventually delete it. But I'll probably keep the the NX version.
What can I say? Im impressed!
Thomas Fuller.
SmugMug account.
i found it lot easier and creative than other softwares. rest of them follow what adobe did some 10 years back. same keys same operations and similar workflow where ever you go.
if you get used to nx, its lot faster and more fun to work with.
this is what i managed in just 3 minutes
unsharp mask + gradiant filter and bit of leveling in selected areas