Check out my pics- I will check out yours

kudryakudrya Registered Users Posts: 27 Big grins
edited July 23, 2006 in The Big Picture
I personally enjoy browsing top-1000 and voting for pics I like or dislike. But one never has time to look at some random galleries. Here is what I want to suggest-- look at my pics ( no worries, I dont have that many...:): ) , vote for ones you like and I will browse all your pictures and will vote for ones I like. What do you think?


  • KhaosKhaos Registered Users Posts: 2,435 Major grins
    edited July 10, 2006
    I prefer cash.:D
  • kudryakudrya Registered Users Posts: 27 Big grins
    edited July 11, 2006
    clap.gif Great -- I will send you my Paypal address. Please add 4% if you send funds from overseas. mwink.gif
  • docwalkerdocwalker Registered Users Posts: 1,867 SmugMug Employee
    edited July 11, 2006
    "I will browse all your pictures and will vote for ones I like"

    I do not think this is a fair trade for you....
    I have over 9700 photos on my site :D

    You need to check your google map key as I keep getting an error that it is registered to a different address. I was still able to get in and vote on your photos but each time I went to the home page I got the error.
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • kudryakudrya Registered Users Posts: 27 Big grins
    edited July 12, 2006
    Thats what I call a hell of a lot of pics! thumb.gif My favorite is Purple Martin so far... still looking.. By the way, I voted for PM and he /she went down from 2nd place in your populars to 15th or so ne_nau.gif Does anyone know why it happens? What about that google key, what is it for?
  • gusgus Registered Users Posts: 16,209 Major grins
    edited July 12, 2006
    You are not allowed to look at mine.
  • docwalkerdocwalker Registered Users Posts: 1,867 SmugMug Employee
    edited July 12, 2006
    Kudrya, I see that you started a new thread about the Google Map Key error. I will let them answer you as my guidance would be the same.

    I am not sure why the PM slid down in ranking. It appears that the order that you vote on photos has some bearing on the ranking. ie the most recent first.

    Also, I had several other people looking at photos at the same time. It is possible that they voted on the other photos and gave them better position.

    Did you notice that the thumbs swap position occasionaly? You might have clicked on the wrong one. I have done that myself a few times. No big deal.

    Thanks for looking. I will keep an eye on your site to see what you add in the future.
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • kudryakudrya Registered Users Posts: 27 Big grins
    edited July 13, 2006
    No I voted green one, its just somekinda bug I guess. I've seen pics going up after negative and down after positive in top-1000. weird.
  • docwalkerdocwalker Registered Users Posts: 1,867 SmugMug Employee
    edited July 14, 2006
    No problem. I only really use the photorank so that my customers can tell me what they like. I am not really concerned if I make it to the top 1000 pages. It is cool when it happens but not my main concern.

    I would really like to see the ability for galleries to be sorted by rank. It would give you the ability to put the most popular photos within a gallery in order.

    You said you like the purple martin. Yesterday as I was leaving the house I found a PM laying on the front porch. It was laying on its back flopping around. I watched for a minute to see if it could right itself. I had to leave for work so I went out and flipped it over with my toe. It scooted accross the ground to get away but would not fly. This was a full size bird either an adult or older baby. I figure it fell out of the neighbors martin house or was injured during some of the major storms over the last 2 days. One of the martin houses appears to have taken some wind damage. I should have gotten some pictures of it. But I had to leave for work. I did not find it this morning so either it flew away or a cat got it. I felt really sorry for it. Martins are beautiful community birds.
    SmugMug Support Hero
  • kudryakudrya Registered Users Posts: 27 Big grins
    edited July 22, 2006
    Mikehaner, thank you for your feedback, I checked and vote for many of your pics, but couldnt leave any comment-- it says to contact you by email which I couldnt get ..
  • mghanermghaner Registered Users Posts: 93 Big grins
    edited July 22, 2006
    back on
    I turned the comments back on. I did not notice that they were turned off. I also checked the email like and it seems fine as does the guestbook. Oh well. I did like your pics.

    kudrya wrote:
    Mikehaner, thank you for your feedback, I checked and vote for many of your pics, but couldnt leave any comment-- it says to contact you by email which I couldnt get ..
    "I feel way more like I do right now then I did earlier today"

  • Awais YaqubAwais Yaqub Registered Users Posts: 10,575 Major grins
    edited July 23, 2006
    LoL ok i will try to comment on your phtotos
    Thine is the beauty of light; mine is the song of fire. Thy beauty exalts the heart; my song inspires the soul. Allama Iqbal

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