Italy vs France (Champion at last!)

Hi all,
dunno if this is the right place to post it (maybe Sports would've been better?). Last night I was out shooting people while the match was goin' on. As some of you might know Italy won and so hell broke loose. Madness in the streets, people jumping & screaming, tears of joy. I'm no soccer fan but enjoyed every minute of it. Any comment is very welcome.
PS: I struggled all night long with my Fuji S5600. Workin' at F3.5 was a real pain in the butt. Now I know why you all suggest a nice & fast prime len for low light situations!
All shots were at ISO800, absolutely useless for anything more than 10x15cm prints. I tried to remove a bit of noise with Noiseware Community (thanks to Nordic for pointin' my to it) but the details were not there to start off so there wasn't much to recover. Anyway....
If you don't have the time or couldn't care less about it, here are a couple sample that I'm (kinda) proud of.

dunno if this is the right place to post it (maybe Sports would've been better?). Last night I was out shooting people while the match was goin' on. As some of you might know Italy won and so hell broke loose. Madness in the streets, people jumping & screaming, tears of joy. I'm no soccer fan but enjoyed every minute of it. Any comment is very welcome.

PS: I struggled all night long with my Fuji S5600. Workin' at F3.5 was a real pain in the butt. Now I know why you all suggest a nice & fast prime len for low light situations!
If you don't have the time or couldn't care less about it, here are a couple sample that I'm (kinda) proud of.


Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found;
Was blind, but now I see.
That saved a wretch like me!
I once was lost, but now am found;
Was blind, but now I see.
And yes you did deserve to win