Venus in Predawn Arizona Sky

Don't ask me why I was on top of Mt Hualapai in Kingman, AZ at 4:45 AM yesterday. But there I was. That's venus as far as I know.

Actually, I was checking out the area. We're moving there in the next month or so. :nod

Actually, I was checking out the area. We're moving there in the next month or so. :nod
Thanks for looking.
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I like the colours, and good exposure to get the siloette of the tree. I'm a fan of combining celestial and terrestrial photography together, but it's hard to find a good foreground that complements (and doesn't overshadow) the stars/planets/moon etc.
I feel a bit uneasy because the horizon is tilting down on the left side (easily fixed). I would also have liked to have a better separation between Venus and the tree, which might have been accomplished by shooting from a slightly different angle. This would have given the picture better balance, which you partially accomplished doing the cropping (but in the cropped version the tree is much more prominent, which may confuse the viewer as to the actual subject you're trying to shoot). You can always move it in PS!
Thanks for posting.
(Oh yeah, and it's definitely Venus)
Thanks again for taking the time to critique my shot.
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