Back to my roots (motorbike racing)
These were taken at a small track called Darley Moor UK most of the best British and Irish racers have raced here over the years
C+C welcome all shot manual again





6 would this one be any good for the speed blur comp 300mm @ 1/60 no IS
C+C welcome all shot manual again





6 would this one be any good for the speed blur comp 300mm @ 1/60 no IS

Great job with the riders' eyes too
Thank's Daddio
Nice to see the motor bikes again
Thank's Tim
Than'k Ian
I've missed lots of bike meetings since ive been away
Don't let my guys see these, I am trying to get those tight panning shots and getting better each time I go out.
Thank's Damon
I love pan shots, ive not had my camera very long but seem to have cracked the pan shot early on just keep practicing its great when you get a good one
Canon 350D
Canon EFS 18-55mm kit lens
Canon 75-300mm
Fuji FinePix S9500 9 Megapixels
Simone's Expressions - Yarn Over Hook
Sometimes we dont do things we want to do so that others will not know we want to do them. - Ivy Walker - The Village
Great work on the pan shots...especially #2.
What settings were you using AF? AI Servo? Shutter?
Whatever they were keep it up!
Chris Sedg. :cool
Thank's Simone
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Thank's Chris
AF was centre AI servo Canon 300mmF4L non IS, ISO 200 , F14 , 1/125 bike was doing about 95mph shot uncropped
Thanks for the info and keep it up
Chris Sedg. :cool
Thank's again Chris
I tried to go even lower with this one but failed will try again next itme
1/30 F18
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Thank's Sid
Next time it will be
Outstanding work, a great series of shots.
David Clifford
Thankyou very much for your kind comments
The slower your shutter speed, the fewer "keepers" you'll get and the more frustration you'll encounter...but boy its all worth it when you nail them
As the saying goes..."you only get what you give!"
Chris Sedg. :cool