RAW in Photoshop CS
So I just installed CS all excited because I'll be able to do my RAW files A-Z in photoshop. Yeah right!
“Unable to use the Camera Raw plug-in. It is not compatible with this host.â€
Can anyone help me out with this? It just refuses to open my .CRW files. Even tried doing an "open as" and selecting the "RAW... .NEF, .CRW, etc" option. Nothing.
“Unable to use the Camera Raw plug-in. It is not compatible with this host.â€
Can anyone help me out with this? It just refuses to open my .CRW files. Even tried doing an "open as" and selecting the "RAW... .NEF, .CRW, etc" option. Nothing.
Since 2004...
Does PS CS support the 300D? I am not sure if it does. I know CS raw converter works with the 10D because that is what I use - It will also work for Canon G5 Raw files for me too.
Are you looking at the raw files with the Browser in Photoshop? There the files are opened as thumbnails automatically......if they are raw files that are supported by PS CS RAW converter.
If the adobe converter does not work - have you tried the Canon Raw converter that came with the 300D? That should allow you to view and convert the images to jpgs or tiffs for editing in PS.
The are other Raw converters - BreezeBrowser and CaptureOne come to mind. Just check to see if they support the 300D.
Good luck - please let this forum know if CS does not support the 300D _ If it does not, I bet Adobe will upgrade to allow it in the future or hear about it from unhappy Digital Rebel owners....
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
In my plug-ins folder there is a "File Formats" sub-folder. In this folder there is a "Camera Raw.8BI" file (4,059,012 bytes, mod-date: 10-13-03). Do you have this file??? Looking around, I don't see any other plug-ins that seem to have anything to do with RAW files. If you find some other plug-ins that look like they might have something to do with RAW files, try moving them out of the "Plug-ins" directory temporarly, and then try to open your file.
BTW, I have been using the PhaseOne DSLR Rebel and its great, but I was just excited to be able to do everything in one program.
The only thing that brings to mind is: I still have Photoshop 7 installed. I checked in the PS7 directories and there is no plug-in with the same name to conflict with PS CS. I'm hesitant to uninstall 7 because CS I don't own yet... just in the 30 days trial.
What I thought had happened is that when was installed, it took a peek at your 7.0 install. It coppied the RAW file plug-in into the CS plug-ins folder.
Is there some way you could send me one of your CRW files to see if I could open it?
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
With the thumbnails, I got the same "host error" BEFORE the thumbnails actually showed up. As soon as I selected a directory with raw files in it within the browswer the error popped up. I killed the error box and then the thumbnails showed up ok. If I tried to double click open them, the computer would stall as if trying to open them, but then nothing would happen, no further error message, but no further action either.
Cletus was able to successfully open my CRW's on his computher (the Camera Raw screen opened right up with them) running CS, so clearly I have a bad install or the trial version has a problem. Canon 300D files are definitely supported in CS.
I guess I'll try to uninstall both 7 and CS, maybe redownload the trial, and try again. Very annoying.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
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Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
. 1ghz PB17" MacOSX 10.2.28
. 2.4ghz shuttle XPpro
. Celeron - W2k
. 2 PI notebooks - NetBSD
. PI notebook - OpenBSD
. UltraSparc - Solaris 8
. UltraSparc - Solaris 9
. 2 AXPs - Tru64 UNIX 5.1b
. AXP - Tru64 4.0b
. AXP - OpenBSD
. PIII - FreeBSD
And a bunch more that are not online at the moment. I most definitely recommend the Apple notebooks and systems.
Operating System Design, Drivers, Software
Villa Del Rio II, Talamban, Pit-os, Cebu, Ph
If you can, find someone with Mac OS 10.3.x running on a laptop and see if they'll let you borrow it or at least play with it for a little while. If you were anywhere near Portland, OR...
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As my friend Knary so well stated, there is no comparison. I have run the W boxes for many years and tried a 15" Powerbook last December 02. I was amazed at the ease of use, stability of the OS and overall quality of the product. It took and still takes me some time to find my way through things, but the tech online help is very good. I do a lot of graphics and plan on doing much more now that I have a reasonable tool to work with.
The other very positive element is the interactivity of the programs for the mac. Everything works with everything else and that means time and aggravation savings. Spendy, yes, but you get what you pay for.
You guys are all talking about Powerbooks - but what I had in mind was a Cinema Display and a dual processor G5 - Can you calibrate the screen in a Powerbook with Ezcolor or some such like you can with desktop monitors - OR - Has Apple already done it for you? I am gradually thinking of returning to a Mac after leaving Apple in 1980 or thereabouts.
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin
I don't know if you can calibrate them - though I don't see why not. The problem is, with the ever shifting view angle, you can't quite depend on the accuracy. In my experience, all but the 12" apple laptop display have excellent color accuracy - for LCD's.
I dream of a G5 and the 20" display. Nummy nummy.
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