Anyone having dxtrans.dll crashes?
Everytime I am in my smugmug album it crashes eventually, even when not uploading photos. I don't have the problem on my PC. Is it a java problem? Windows says I need to download service pak2 to "possibly" solve the problem, and I won't do that. Started about 3 weeks ago? Only when on smugmug album.
I looked thru google and apparently it could be numerous things, including a media type error and/or java script error. I have not done anything else to the PC. ANY IDEAS? tHANKS for the help, its getting annoying, especially when trying to upload.
I looked thru google and apparently it could be numerous things, including a media type error and/or java script error. I have not done anything else to the PC. ANY IDEAS? tHANKS for the help, its getting annoying, especially when trying to upload.
It's notorious for screwing up 4 year old PC's. I don't need it, I take excellent care of my PC, and have a perfect record after 5 years online. No formatting, no virus crashes.
maybe they;ve patched Pak2 enough now to be workable. But even if I did they said there is no guarantee that pak2 would fix it. So why do surgery? ;~)
This started just a few weeks ago when Smugmug changed their uploading options.
How in the world did this end up in Digital Darkroom> haha I swear I was in Smugmug help! ;~)
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say there is a recall on your car because the airbags may fail in a crash. using your rationale you would not perform the recall because you are a good driver and have never been in an accident?
And no, would fix recalls on airbags, good point, but then those who have neck injuries can die from airbags, and I have a neck injury, so should I fix them if they can make my dangers worse? ;~) Thats really a legitimate question for me these days and I have wondered....seriously!:D Ironic you mentioned that
Browser, IE, Andy. I understand others are recommended to be more compatible. Is that true here?
Sorry forgot the version. Its 6.0.28---