Different water shots

Not waterfalls this time
#1 Sunset over lake Washington

#2 reflections on lake

#3 waves crashing on jetty

#4 waves on rocks

#5 horseshoe bay
#1 Sunset over lake Washington

#2 reflections on lake

#3 waves crashing on jetty

#4 waves on rocks

#5 horseshoe bay

Edit to add... I looked at it again. It's the logs in the middle. Without it, it would just be another--albeit good--lake and mountains. The logs add something new. Love it.
Thanks Jamie I had a terrible time getting the log to show up with the reflections without blowing out the trees in the background, but there was something about that log I had to have it in the shot and I’m glad you like it
Your right #5 I have the ocean running out of the shot I can’t believe I didn’t get that lined up. #2 I think your right the reflections do not line up and the tops of the trees look like they may be off a little. You have a good eye thanks for the input I know I can fix them
Updated - Ok photo #5 I fixed it was a mess and thanks
photo #2 is a little strange I know the reflection of the trees don’t line up the trees along the lake are them self’s growing at a angle I think from the wind. If you look at the trees in the sheltered part of the lake the back center the reflections do line up much better. I did take and try to straighten the reflections with the tress but then the mountains in the back and the lake are showing the tilt.
It took me a while to figure out what was going on, but I do say again you have a good eye on that and thanks
Here is a tight crop on the trees