Reality Check Please....

Ok I have been sitting on this trying not to rant about it. But this is by far the forum where I think I would get the best reality check from so I will post this little Poll/Question here.
Here are two sentences. Please explain what both of them mean to you.
Reset hours each new year...
and I guess the second one isn't so much of a sentence but more of a question after hearing someone use this word incorrectly and then deffend their usage against the dictionairy.
What does "original" mean?
Here are two sentences. Please explain what both of them mean to you.
Reset hours each new year...
and I guess the second one isn't so much of a sentence but more of a question after hearing someone use this word incorrectly and then deffend their usage against the dictionairy.
What does "original" mean?
Everyone Has A Photographic Memory. Some Just Do Not Have Film.
The first one means that every new year the clock needs to be reset at new year (perhaps some 365 day clock? I think it's a translation from Japanese by the Zero Wing people
original is either a source from which something arises, or some firsthand work, or a person who is inventive I would say.
What was I supposed to hear?
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
Does this include spelling?
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Firstly: "Reset hours each new year..." appears to be a sentence fragment and depending on the context and the subject to which it applies could vary the meaning.
Secondly: anyone who would defend (one "f" please) their incorrect definition or usage of a word against that which is published in a dictionary is too ignorant to argue with.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Mainly trying to find out if my expectations of people in the business world are really too high. I mean I am a very flexible guy. Spelling doesn't really bother me lord knows I don't always spell things properly, appearance doesn't really bug me as long as people are clean and don't smell, I don't expect people to keep their desk's ultra clean, I don't even expect people not to get upset from time to time. Hell I don't even expect them to load toner on their own in the printers. But a basic knowledge of common terms I mean is that too much to ask.
Reset = to begin again, to set again or anew
The statement in question is a filter option in a database. Basically do you want the field to reset at the start of a new year. Which I and most people here have understood as to mean start again at the original setting.
This "educated" person who setup the feature it was controlling argued with me that reset ment that it would add the new total to the old total not make everything start over. I got yelled at for 15 minutes until I threw up and pointed out her ineptitude.
And the "original" thing wasn't a fight with me just something I saw happen yesterday that kinda blew my mind.
I mean has it come to the state where it is ok for people in america to be this clueless. Forget violence on TV at this point I'm more worried about stupid people being on TV and kids thinking it's ok to be like that.
You need a good hobby to occupy your mind enough to keep you from obsessing about trivial stuff like this.
May I suggest photography
No wait, that doesn't seem to be working...
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
Er, I really hate to break this to ya but stupid people have been on TV since it started. In fact there has never been a medium so overrun by stupidity in the history of human kind. Its way too late to worry about it. Just break open a bag of Cheetos, guzzle down a Coke and enjoy the latest episodes of Big Brother, Survivor, & Miami Ink. NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
It is, after all, a vast cultural wasteland.
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They really suck harry...dont you still get M.A.S.H on cable ?
Hence why at work I sit in my office and hide. As much as I can I avoid contact with people at work and try to appear as meak as possible to stay out of the light so to speak. Besides this person is one of the more mild people who I never have issues with till today and I went through the entired database to check the filter settings she was applying on every employee to verify what the problem was before I explained the answer to her. Which started off as a simple "well lets just uncheck this and see if that clears it up" and ended in a "this is what the dictionary says and this is what the help file says" moments.
Could someone explain this sentence to me? Well, Well, Well Well?
Maybe you could wail at her and put her in a well.
(Couldn't decide on which SA reply to use)
"Tis better keep your mouth shut and be thought of as an idiot than to open your mouth and remove all doubt"
That's the problem Gus I have hundreds of channels on my cable subscription. Right now I watch MASH and Seinfeld reruns, new episodes of Deadwood and CNN. I mean with all those damn channels they could squeeze in some decent drama and music somewhere. I have around 57 movie channels. Do they all have to show dreck 24 hours a day? I mean how many times can you show "Porky's Revenge" in one year? NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Reset = to begin again, to set again or anew
The statement in question is a filter option in a database. Basically do you want the field to reset at the start of a new year. Which I and most people here have understood as to mean start again at the original setting. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
The question, and answer are contextual. I don’t know very much about data bases, so does it mean to reset the field to some original factory setting? Does it start new (date, time) at the beginning of each year? When does the year start? Jan 1<SUP>st</SUP>, new fiscal year. I always start a new year on my birthday.
This "educated" person who setup the feature it was controlling argued with me that reset meant that it would add the new total to the old total not make everything start over. I got yelled at for 15 minutes until I threw up and pointed out her ineptitude. <o:p></o:p>
The educated can only allow so much from the hired help.
And the "original" thing wasn't a fight with me just something I saw happen yesterday that kinda blew my mind.
I mean has it come to the state where it is ok for people in america PLEASE!!! America! Capital A! to be this clueless. Over half are. Forget violence on TV at this point I'm more worried about stupid people being on TV and kids thinking it's ok to be like that. I’m more worried about the stupid having children. <o:p></o:p>
Take a deep breath, take the damn earring out, sit back and down some single malt Scotch<o:p></o:p>
\Meak\, n. [Cf. AS. m[=e]ce sword, OS. m[=a]ki, Icel. m[ae]kir.] A hook with a long handle. [Obs.] --Tusser.
meek (m
adj. meek·er, meek·est
- Showing patience and humility; gentle.
- Easily imposed on; submissive.
So you sit in your office trying to be a hook with a long handle?And why would objects in mirror appear to be loosing? Are they not tied on tight enough?
When you clarified it by saying "do you want the field to reset at the
start of a new year?", I was with you all the way.
Not everyone has the same working knowledge of the tool as you may
and what is obvious to you may not be clear and concise to someone
The people you are refering to as "clueless" probably wonder where you
went to school too. Especially when it comes to the tact or lack of it in
dealing with them.
Ah but see I always bite the bullet, smile, and answer all of their questions with respect to start off with. Granted some of that may go away when they argue with me over the answer I gave them (I mean if they already knew the answer why did they ask?), but unless provoked I always start off relatively nice.
As far as the phrasing of the first question that is exactly how it is in the software. And they knew what they wanted the tool to do. The basic issue was them yelling at me and arguing with me about what the word reset means.
Never, ever, ever have I seen reset used in a way that ment anything other than to begin again. Never have I seen it mean to just keep the data that is there and add to it.
So if you know you want to simply add new numbers to the numbers already there why would you tell the software to reset before putting in the new numbers.
Keep in mind that I'm not stupid enough to tell my co-workers to their face that I think they should retake high school and middle school.
Does anyone actually have a sample of where reset doesn't mean to start fresh, begin again, start anew?
"0" or "remove my last entry" or ... ?
Regarding my comment, it seems as though (recently) your conversations
end in "yelling" (your word) at your customers (or whipping out a dictionary
just to prove a point). Kind of adversarial in a customer support role don't
you think?
Ahh but as you stated reset never means add. All of the conditions you listend reffer to going backwards in time, not adding to what is already there.
Not customers.... Co-workers, and I wasn't the one yelling if you read the statement I was the one getting yelled at. And yes if someone wants to start a fight with me over the meaning of a word I will whip out a to prove my point and end the fight. I'm not about to stand there and take a whipping over someone else's error. Granted I have been a bit edgy lately but I don't just blow up at people for the fun of it.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
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"are you sure its not a finger problem"
Hence ..why i now use & love 'send to smugmug'
I honestly don't remember what the problem was, except that it was a very long time and 50 or so version updates ago. I don't have any traces of it in my email and could not find references to it here at dgrin (all I found was this :-).
I highly doubt, however, that I mentioned any "fingers" in my support replies,
As to the "Send To Smugmug" - it's a very nice tool, and if it covers your needs - that's great!
Here's my reality check for you:
You need to learn the value of humility.
Every person is your master in some regard, so you have no option but to be humble.
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I actually did find your programme fantastic as i mentioned ...until... i needed some help. Nothing personal mate but lets not get too carried away with how programmers interact with clients. I could well do the same to them when it comes to moving a fridge...a very very basic function for me but im sure not for others & thus i dont post a list of replys that ridicule those that cant do a very easy task for me.
Hope you understand where im coming from here.
Nothing in my email or PMs either..
Anyway, whatever happened - happened, and hardly anything can be done to fix the past. I'm truly sorry you feel that way.
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