Poll: using "Helpies"

Helpies are the little orange question marks all over the site designed to make it quick and easy to figure out what a certain feature does. If you haven't ever seen or noticed them, go to the customize gallery page and look for the orange question marks. 
So the questions are:
How useful are they to you?
How intuitive are they to you?
When did you first find them?

So the questions are:
How useful are they to you?
How intuitive are they to you?
When did you first find them?
Smug since 2003
How do you use helpies (the little orange question marks)? 17 votes
I use them all the time
2 votes
What are all those little orange question marks?
2 votes
I use them occasionally to figure out new features
11 votes
I used to use them, but forgot about them over time
1 vote
other (please state below)
1 vote
Having had another look at them for the poll I want to say that I really want what the helpy states about 'community appearance' (choice between smugmug and *my* customizations!)!
Apart from this I think the public helpy definately needs to say directly something about external links that they can undermine the (false) privacy if not turned off. I know you're referring to this by stating that it's not impossible to find the photos for people, but that's way to much of talking around the possible problem. Especially since you refer to add a password for additional security, but that's exactly the thing that won't help against the external link issue people need to be made aware of.
How about: "Public means that the gallery won't show up for visitors off your homepage and in search results, but you can still send the gallery link to friends so that they can see the photos. For additional security you can also associate a password to a private gallery.
Be aware of the external linking function that when turned let's people still link photos directly in message boards without regard to the privacy and password option."
I'm not happy with the second paragraph, but can't think of anything else now. The password helpy also needs to make people aware of the external linking.
I hope this is useful to you.
SmugMug Support Hero