ground sniffing bulls...
lets try this to see if we turn up anything...

new rodeo event reverse bareback riding ..

he had a tough time getting turned around like this see the rest in the series,,
thanks for looking C&C welcome..

new rodeo event reverse bareback riding ..

he had a tough time getting turned around like this see the rest in the series,,
thanks for looking C&C welcome..
to see if it sparked a responce
- Kevin
Both the posted shots are very impressive - did the first cowboy stay on? (I'd guess it wouldn't get a score since he had both hands on the rigging, it looks like, but sometimes you see them stay on)
The second one + sequence are amazing. Again, how did they score that ride? I'm guessing, since he at one point had both legs on one side, he couldn't get a score, but he sure should have gotten points for something! Amazing athletic effort by both rider & horse.
Great that you got that whole sequence. Excellent quality & Really enjoyed seeing it.
On the second shot ... it's tilting a bit on to the right and I would get rid of the guy with the video camera, a spot of burning in on the hot areas ... and your great shot is just a bit better.
Unsharp at any Speed
thanks for looking ..and the nice words..
Actually after some debate among the judges and a quick look at the stop watch they did award him a score...
thanks for the kind words.. in this event the animal get up to 50 points for bucking and difullicty to ride ,then the cowboy get up to 50 for the ability to stay on for 8 sec. only thing he can't do in(during) the ride is touch the animal with both hands...
I am afraid i am still new in the post processing area . burning in the hot areas ?
I am looking forward to your help...
Now, on to burning-in. In PS for exapmle, the burning tool is the brush and it is fully adjustable, (size of area to be darkened, amount of darkening to be applied per occassion, et cetera). Typically, the tool is round/circular in shape and when activated it will darken the area within the circle. I would darken (to varring degrees) the cowboy's hand, lower back, bronc's neck, the white railing, the bleachers and a touch on the dust under the horse.
Set the darkening to a low percentage (5%) and make several passes until the desired amount of darkening is attained.
Remember that the eye is attracked to white (bright areas). If, for example, the corners are brighter than your principal center of focus, then the eyes will be pulled away from the focus of the photo to the corners. Burning-in, can help highlight the principal center of focus by selectively darkening areas of secondary importance.
Also remember that burning-in is just one of many ways to darken a selected area of the photo.
Unsharp at any Speed
But also among your excellent shots, I would appreciate your explanation of this event which is also unfamiliar to me -