From birds to furniture. Advice needed.
An interior design and furniture store approached me to take a photo session to post on their “web site to be”.
They know me from my non-pro nature photography and they’re well aware that I’m not experienced in doing that kind of photography. While I have not a well sorted portfolio and just “dump” (more or less) my pictures on my SmugMug account, they were impressed enough to ask me.
I took some test shots on location to see if I can deal with the lightning and they were very pleased with the results. To be honest, I was pleased too (considering what I usually shoot) and they asked for a quotation. :wink
Now, as a Good Samaritan I approached some local photographers to look for some advice about the prices. I let them know that I’m not a professional like they are, but I don’t wand to spoil the marked with prices that are way too low. You must know that Aruba is a very small Island.
Somehow they refuse to help me with the pricing but were very eager to see my test prints (which I did not show). My efforts to work with them instead of against them did not give any results. :dunno
Well, if this is the case, I try to figure it out myself. :boidConsidering I don’t have any overhead but don’t wand to be too cheap, I came up with the following:
* $750,00 fixed fee per (fraction of a) day to be on location to take photographs.
* $375,00 fixed fee per 50 photographs (rounded up) So 35 = 50, 60 = 100. Figuring I need ½ day to PP about 50 shots.
Do you think I’m going out of my mind here?
They know me from my non-pro nature photography and they’re well aware that I’m not experienced in doing that kind of photography. While I have not a well sorted portfolio and just “dump” (more or less) my pictures on my SmugMug account, they were impressed enough to ask me.
I took some test shots on location to see if I can deal with the lightning and they were very pleased with the results. To be honest, I was pleased too (considering what I usually shoot) and they asked for a quotation. :wink
Now, as a Good Samaritan I approached some local photographers to look for some advice about the prices. I let them know that I’m not a professional like they are, but I don’t wand to spoil the marked with prices that are way too low. You must know that Aruba is a very small Island.
Somehow they refuse to help me with the pricing but were very eager to see my test prints (which I did not show). My efforts to work with them instead of against them did not give any results. :dunno
Well, if this is the case, I try to figure it out myself. :boidConsidering I don’t have any overhead but don’t wand to be too cheap, I came up with the following:
* $750,00 fixed fee per (fraction of a) day to be on location to take photographs.
* $375,00 fixed fee per 50 photographs (rounded up) So 35 = 50, 60 = 100. Figuring I need ½ day to PP about 50 shots.
Do you think I’m going out of my mind here?
First off, is Aruba US dollars? Usually we'd write that as $750.00 or just $750, so I thought I'd ask.
Second, as an amateur that charges to shoot, I try to price at what I think my time is worth to me. An amount I would be happy to make shooting. From your message, I am not sure how many items there are to shoot, or how long it would take, but for 8 hours of onsite studio work (where I am at with my photo portfolio) I would probably want $500-$700.
Hope this helps.
Glass: >Sigma 17-35mm,f2.8-4 DG >Tamron 28-75mm,f2.8 >Canon 100mm 2.8 Macro >Canon 70-200mm,f2.8L IS >Canon 200mm,f2.8L
Flash: >550EX >Sigma EF-500 DG Super >studio strobes
Sites: Jim Mitte Photography - Livingston Sports Photos - Brighton Football Photos
Thanks Jim!
Aruba uses Arubian Florins as well U$D. It's very common to do business in U$D.
Aruba is very small and a very few people doing this kind of photograhpy. I have no idea how much they charge to do so but I have the feeling the most charge (much) more than what I have in mind.
Although they are not very supportive, I don't wand to spoil business for them with bottom prices. I guess that $750 for being there (regardless 1 hour or 8 hours) is not cheap but not too heavy eighter. The $350 per 50 photo's seems reasonable in my eyes but not sure about this.
Worst case scenario for the customer is: I come, take 1 good picture and they pay $1.100,00
Good scenario for the customer is: I come, stay the whole day, take 50 good pictures and they still pay $1.100,00
All those prices are based on protecting the "less helpfull" pro's. I really can do it for half the price but personally I find Aruba too small to do so.
What's your opinion?
Thomas Fuller.
SmugMug account.
In the mean time I quoted as stated in my thread.
$750 for the session (in this case 3 hours) +
$375 for 30 photographs (keepers) +
$150 to hire a non-pro lady.
Well $1.125,00 in my pocket minus minor expenses and no overhead. A few more orders like this and I can go for that "killer lens".
I agreed that they own the pictures except the captures (12) with the lady.
It wend very well considering this was my very first time shooting indoors and shooting subjects I'm not familiar with plus shooting comercially. Client seems to be very happy and revealed to me that my pricing is reasonable. They did not agree to have insight into other quotations.
Thomas Fuller.
SmugMug account.