New Monitor and a Mac

due to my recent promotion at work, my budget for my new computer has leaped significantly. i intend to go mac for the first time, but i'm not too concerned about which model right now because i'm waiting for new product announcements next month. (the g5's intel replacement) however, i am definitely looking to get a new very high quality monitor. i would love to get an apple 23" hd lcd monitor, but i want to know what people think about it first. if you have any other monitor suggestions, my budget is between $700 and $1100. thanks!
Better upgrade your budget...23" LCD by Apple goes for about $1300.00 unless you have a company discount at your supplier. I have the 20" and absolutely love it! Remember G5 Intel requires different software than pre-Intel Macs.
I love spending company money.... have fun and enjoy your new Mac.
Congrats on promotion!
Gort! Klaatu barada nikto!
love it love it love it. so bright and sharp. widescreen is really SO much better too.
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The 30in is too big.
My 23" is over a year old, and looks as good as new. Calibration changes very little with time also.
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thanks. with my education discount, the 23" lcd comes to $1099.
so what a bunch of you are saying is: the 23" apple lcd is definitely the best choice for the money? is the extra 3" really necessary?
ps: would i be able to hook my 23" monitor up to my current laptop? if you don't know, how could i find out? it's an acer ferrari 4000.
Boy I miss the education discount, have to use my kids discount these days.
Gort! Klaatu barada nikto!
23" monitor is fantastic.
I don't know about hooking it up to your laptop, but I'm pretty sure that the functions of the 23" display are limited in Windows, that the preference settings available on a Mac are just not there.
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there are no special "functions" for the 23" display that only a mac can unlock. The only difference is that mac has builtin software calibration and color tools while on a windows machine that functionality is provided by the video card manufacturer. I actually have more control over the display on my 23" from my PC than i do on my mac.
the thing is though, you wont need them. The display is just that beautiful out of the box.
It was something that I read on one of the mac help sites, by a user who was having trouble make that combo work the way he wanted.
Of course, it could have been the older style, too, with the other type of connector.
And, for the record, I have never owned a windows machine.
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now it looks like i'm gettin a dell screen
thanks for the tip! i looked into the dell 24", and it looks awesome. as much as i generally dislike dell, the monitor seems to be brighter, larger, and considerably cheaper than the apple screen. is anyone familiar with the dell screens?
No, but you may want to read this and this.
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thanks david! theres some good pros and cons there. should i consider getting a crt instead of an lcd?
Oh. :uhoh
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ok cool, but what are the drawbacks to the dell over the apple? and are there any crt's i should look at?
As far as the difference between the Dell and Apple LCD, from memory I think the Dell has more ports but the Apple is more closely calibrated to photography out of the box. In theory you should be able to erase that difference by running any decent hardware calibrator on the Dell, except that I have read here and there that the Dell is so bright out of the box (presumably because consumers think bright and shiny = better) that the blacks suffer and it can be harder to calibrate than the Apple - see this thread.
I don't own either monitor, just passing along what I've heard.
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Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
And with the new Mac Pro, you could have 8 of them going at once!
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I was disappointed about the Macbook Pro silence. Maybe later this week?
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
They did say more announcements coming soon.
From "10:24 am lots more announcements during the next week"
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