Lightning Strike
When I see these, my nerves go numb. Caught looking out to my backyard, this strike was one of many that night that brought floods and hail that night. I have a checkered past with lightning. It seems lightning has made a hobby of hitting the planes I fly! Only once, though, did we sustain damage. This strike lit up the sky enough to even see the virga falling from the low clouds.

I have by no means any method. However, I guage the f-stop according to how intense the lightning tends to be (brighter lightning, higher f-stop) and then I'll do a test shot using the bulb setting so as to limit the noise. Then, like last night, I would hold for 10 seconds and let nature do the rest. Sometimes, that split second when I'm in between shots, nature would really let off a nice one. Oh well.... that's my method. Some people will even use light sensitive trigger devices but I don't have that fancy stuff.
Oh and I should mention you have to pretty much guess where the next strike will be. I was lucky that night as this one cloud, moving slowly, had a lot of strikes.
Thanks for posting the shot - Michael
I had to look up virga (we dont use the term over here) scratching my head here wondering why you have viagra falling from the sky
A strike from Thor's hammer for sure!
I feel your presence...
I remember
SLAMA Photography
I have to ditto maestro i suck at catching .. the strikes ..
This is an old shot but didn't want to take up space showing in a different thread. This shot was taken in Shreveport LA when I was stationed there for a short time.
Taken in North Dakota during a tour there...incidently none of the colors of these photos were altered. Differing atmosphere makeup causing the variation in color? Or perhaps lightning intensity. The two blue ones were by far the more terrorizing of all the lightning shots I've caught.